Here is the best way to exercise to enhance the balance of the body

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) - Balance disorder is a common disease, especially among the elderly, and it has very dangerous repercussions, such as falling and colliding with the land..Therefore, this matter must be taken seriously and accelerated to treat it.

The training balance exercise may not be what you expect.It is not only related to the practice of standing on one leg.

وأظهرت الأبحاث أن أفضل طريقة لتعزيز التوازن ومنع السقوط، خاصة مع التقدم ​​في العمر، هي من خلال نهج متعدّد الأوجه.

The comprehensive exercise program helps you improve body awareness, and move better with increased strength, stability, and coordination - all of this enhances a better balance.

Regardless of the exercise you exercise, the ability to move and balance your body in any activity that comes from contact between your mind, the nervous system, and muscles.

Communication between the mind and the body specifically controls through two aspects.

The appropriate futures in your joints and muscles work to inform you of your sense of movement, status, and directing your limbs.

The vestibular system, located in your inner ear, provides a sense of general balance based on the movement of the head.

There are health problems, such as neuropathy (nervous system damage), which can hinder balance.And if you are suffering from a chronic balance in the balance, it is important that the doctor retract to exclude the presence of any medical problems.

1.Start by testing your balance

Standing on one leg: How long can you stand on one leg without excessive vibration?To take the test, stand on a flat and fixed surface - like a solid floor instead of a thick rug - and raise one foot from the ground a few inches, and balance yourself on your other standing upper feet.Then change the other foot.

In the case of age people, the inability to stand on only one leg is not associated with an increase in the risk of falling, but also with cognitive deterioration.

Ideally, you should be able to stand on one leg for at least a0 seconds without excessive vibration.

You can practice permanent balance with one leg regularly as part of your training.

إليك أفضل طريقة تمرين لتعزيز توازن الجسم

This activity also used as a scale to reassess your balance ability while working continuously through exercise strategies below.

a.Promote the body's awareness and control

Body weight exercises: You are now ready to focus on the movements that challenge your strength, movement, and balance.The awareness of your body's condition and the ability to control your movement is an essential aspect of any type of body weight exercises, whether you are exercising, squatting, or yoga positions..

Through practice, you can learn to master these common exercises, and do full exercises based on using your body weight only.

Another important aspect is to perceive the body, that is, understanding the place where your weight is concentrated and the ability to convert the center of your mass into different areas of your body in different situations to remain balanced..

While doing body weight exercises in any way, whether it is a body weight exercise, a yoga session, or a pilate, or the Tai chi, pay attention to how to change your weight to achieve a better balance in each position or movement.

P.Increase steadfastness

Power exercises: Owning job strength and controlling the situation is two basic elements to maintain balance.The use of free weights is a great way to force exercises.

By adding weight to common exercises, such as squatting and mono -leg, you can work to install these movements with additional control and control.

The situation is also linked to balance.And when you have a declining position with a front head position, the center of your block is pulled forward with your head, which leads to the disposal of the alignment of the skeleton and the balance.

And since sitting for long periods and less ideal breathing mechanisms negatively affects the position of the body, it is important to treat the two things in order to improve your position.You can achieve this by integrating these exercises to disperse sitting seizures throughout the day, and to practice these breathing exercises that put the rib cage in the optimal position to get a better position.

4.Improving coordination

Walking: We often forget that a simple walking exercise requires a great deal of balance and coordination.

And the pattern of movement known as walking, is one of the basic human movements, and requires coordination between alternating and mutual movements throughout your upper and lower body.

And while you take your right foot forward, your left foot works on your stability, and at the same time, your left arm swings forward, while your right arm swings backward.

And when you take your next step with your left foot, everything changes.

The way we walk function affects the good balance of our daily life.

In many cases, we unintentionally create inappropriate walking patterns that can eliminate our balance, so it is important to walk with awareness so that you can notice any problems in your walk, and correct them before it is a habit.

Try walking for at least 10 minutes several times a week, paying attention to the weight balance, and movement in your body.

The World Health Organization recommends that 150 minutes of exercise a week.

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By integrating the above strategies to achieve the goal of your weekly exercise, you will not only increase your fitness level but also improve your balance and reduce the risk of infection from falling.