Have you heard about Gathoum?What is his relationship with the jinn?How does science explain this phenomenon?

What is galant?How does it happen?What are its causes?And what does a person feel during it?What is its treatment?Answers in this report.

What is galant?

Aljathoum is a scientifically known as "Sleep Paralysis", a condition in which a person suffers from a temporary disability of movement that occurs immediately after sleep or waking up.The person remains conscious during the Al -Jathoum attack, which often involves an annoying hallucinite and a sense of suffocation, according to the sleeping institution.

Sleep paralysis seizures include elements of sleep and alertness, and this explains the cause of disturbing symptoms.

Gathom and the jinn

For centuries, people believed that Al -Jathoum touched a demonic or jin.Al -Galatoum was the subject of a painting drawn by the Anglo -Swissi artist Henry Fossili, and it won international fame that lasted for centuries. Since its drawing in 1781, it was presented to the public in 1782..

The painting appears in the painting of a sleeping lady with her hand hanging, and above her chest, a legendary, ugly -shaped object crouching "jathom", which is known in popular myths as the cause of nightmares and paralyzes the movement of the sleeper so he cannot move.However;All these beliefs are wrong, as Cattom is a physiological condition that has a scientific interpretation, and it is not a touch of Satan or a dress from the jinn.It is worth noting that the scholar Sheikh Yusuf al -Qaradawi denied in an interview with Al -Jazeera a topic that wears the jinn with man.

Symptoms of Gathoum

Gathom "sleep paralysis" is a condition that is determined by losing muscle control for a short period, known as "Atonia", which occurs immediately after sleep or waking up.In addition to weakness, people often suffer from hallucinations during sleep paralysis episodes.

Sleep paralysis is classified as a type of "Parasomnia", which are abnormal behaviors during sleep.Due to its association with the "REM" phase of the sleep cycle, sleep paralysis is considered a symptom of Paracemia, the fast eye movement..

The researchers believe that sleep paralysis involves a mixed state of consciousness that mixes vigilance and sleeping the rapid eye movement stage.

What types of sleep paralysis?

What does a person feel sleep paralysis?

The primary symptom of sleep paralysis is weakness or inability to move the body.This happens shortly after sleeping or waking up, and during the seizure the person feels waking while he is aware of the loss of muscle control.

هل سمعت عن الجاثوم؟ وما علاقته بالجن؟ وكيف يفسّر العلم هذه الظاهرة؟

It is estimated that 75% of sleep paralysis seizures include hallucinations that differ from the usual dreams.

Halosa is divided during sleep paralysis into 3 categories:

Annoying hallucinations can make sleep paralysis episodes more disturbing.For this reason, about 90% of seizures are associated with fear.

How long does the jathom attack?

Nubia can last from a few seconds to about 20 minutes, and the average period ranges between 6 and 7 minutes.In most cases, the seizures end on their own, but sometimes they are boycotted by a touch or sound of another person or with an intense effort to move this overcrowding.

How common is sleep paralysis?

Estimates differ, but researchers believe that about 8% of people suffer from sleep paralysis at some point in their lives.

Sleep paralysis can occur at any age, but the first symptoms of childhood, adolescence or adulthood often appear (from 7 to 25 years)..After starting adolescence, seizures may occur frequently in the twenties and thirties.

What causes sleep paralysis?

The exact cause of sleep paralysis is unknown.Studies have examined data to find out what is associated with increasing the risk of sleep paralysis and found mixed results.The researchers believe that multiple factors contribute to stirring up sleep paralysis.

Sleep paralysis rates were reported by people who suffer from "OSA" obstruction, a condition in which breathing stops during sleep.It was also found that sleep paralysis is more common in people with night leg cramps.

ووفقا لقاعدة بيانات "ميدلاين بلس" (Medlineplus) التابعة للمكتبة الوطنية الأميركية للصحة، فإن The exact cause of sleep paralysis is unknown بالكامل، ولكن تظهر الأبحاث ارتباطا بعوامل مثل:

Some medical problems can be associated with sleep paralysis:

For its part, the assistant professor Fosson Doustan - a member of the teaching staff at the University of Turkish Health Sciences - said that tension and lack of sleep are among the most prominent causes of sleep paralysis, in statements to Anatolia.

Is sleep paralysis a serious problem?

For most people, sleep paralysis is not a serious problem, and it is classified as a benign condition and usually does not occur repeatedly enough to cause major health problems.

However, an estimated 10% of people suffer from frequent or disturbing episodes that make sleep paralysis especially annoying.As a result, they may develop negative ideas about going to bed, reducing the time for sleeping or feeling anxious about bedtime;Which makes sleep more difficult.Sleep deprivation can lead to excessive drowsiness and many other consequences for a person's general health.

What is the treatment of sleep paralysis?

Doussa said that the phenomenon of sleep paralysis, which is not accompanied by any other cases or diseases, does not require medical treatment, and can be avoided by organizing sleep times, avoiding stress, lack of sleep, and practicing activities that help relax before bed.

The first step is to treat sleep paralysis in speaking with the doctor in order to identify and address the basic problems that may contribute to repeating seizures..For example, this may include a naked treatment or steps to better control breathing during sleep.

Because of the relationship between sleep paralysis and general sleep problems, improving the quality of sleep is important.

It includes healthy sleep tips that can contribute to its improvement: