The Iraqis, even the clients, inform the Pentagon report on the championships

It was a wonderful blue day, the sun was shining from the sea and sand, and Fox threw together with planes that would keep its F / A-18 Hornet-and the bombs he was carrying.

"The tactics that we used were very good," said Fox, who is now a retired deputy prince in the navy..

But the Iraqi pilots did not bathe.

"We were better training, and we had better equipment," said Fox.."But we respected them - there was no doubt about that.".

Fox had a reason for that.In the early hours of that day - January.17, 1991 - Another pilot from the Fox Square, Captain.Michael Scott Spyker, was broken by an Iraqi war plane.

"I think it is quite certain that it was the Mig 25 Iraqi plane that shot it on that night," Fox said..“It was a battle in the air very confusing.“

Very quickly, Fox realized that things would be difficult all day.

وقال: “بينما كنا ذاهبون إلى العراق ، كان من الواضح أن هناك طائرات تابعة للقوات الجوية العراقية محمولة جوا“.

His group came from south to north, and they had four F-14 Tomcats to deal with any air-to-air threats.Process flew side by side, with anti -electronic actions that officers work to keep Hornza safe..

High anti -radiation -speed missiles began to come behind Fox and other pilots and go over their planes in search of radar defense systems.

Fox had his cabinet, as well as air-to-air munitions.TOMCats did not benefit from the confusion of aircraft, so they were flying accidentally, staying outside the missile clash area while providing a less important target than F-18s for Iraqi radar operators on the ground.

قال فوكس: “في غضون ذلك ، نحن قادمون بشكل مستقيم“.

E2 Hawkeye - who flew highly to control traffic and monitor problems - warned the aircraft that had a company.

“مرحبًا ، إنهم قطاع طرق!“ سمع فوكس من خلال سماعة الرأس.

A hostile is known.

قامت E2 بتوجيه الطيارين باستخدام “بولس“ – في ذلك اليوم ، كانت تسمى “ماني“ ، وكانت مطارًا على بعد حوالي 15 ميلاً من القاعدة الجوية الأكبر ، HP.Everyone flew for Mane, and this is the way Hook allowed pilots to know the location of the bandits.

قال فوكس: “قطاع الطرق ، ماني ، واحد – ثمانية – خمسة ، 25 متجهًا جنوبًا“. “مما يعني ،“ حسنًا ، هناك قطاع طرق – أشرار معروفون – جنوب HP شمال غرب متجهين 25 ميلاً. “

Which means that they were close.But Fox said that the pilots did not train much on Paul's concept in the 1980s. وبدلاً من ذلك ، فقد استخدموا سفينتهم – التي يشار إليها باسم “الزولو“ – على أنها نقطة الهدف.

قال فوكس: “إذن أنت تقوم بهذا النوع من العمليات الحسابية الذهنية ، كرة السلة العقلية هذه ،“ حسنًا ، أين هؤلاء الرجال؟ “ وهو اليوم الأول للحرب.Clasting factor is very high..

Air War

يميل الناس إلى تذكر عاصفة الصحراء على أنها حرب قصيرة وسهلة – وبالمقارنة مع الحروب “الأبدية“ التي تلت ذلك ، فإن هذا منطقي: حرب برية لمدة 100 ساعة في سجلات التاريخ.

But the people who lived in it remember it differently: months of preparation preceded a month and a half a month that left PP American pilots and their crew members.Iraqi pilots trained with Soviet pilots, as well as fighting in a war that lasted eight years with Iran, which made them more ready to fight than anyone expected.Also, the complications in the Middle East - from dust storms to very black nights to not familiarizing with the unprecedented lands - constituted continuous challenges.

استمرت Air War منذ يوم مواجهة فوكس مع قطاع الطرق ، في P January.17 until February.On September28, 1991, the coalition forces dropped 88 thousand tons of ammunition during more than 100,000 sorties.They destroyed the Air Force to Saddam Hussein, bombing the shelters that Saddam believed would be an impenetrable attack.Saddam Hussein's pilots proved that he could not

She was not triumphed in the air over Kuwait, the main defenses and command and control centers were canceled, and confirmed that the forces were not injured on the ground with enemy aircraft, then supported the ground war as of February 1.24 until February.28.

Without continuous training, the United States says pilots have not accomplished anything from that.But without benefiting from experienced combat personnel after years of peace, there was no one at the unit level to prepare them for the momentum of war, as well as the sadness that followed that.

This was known as desert shield.

However, it became clear, the Iraqi army was trained at the hands of the Soviets and obtained equipment from them, including a group of helicopters and jet fighters.Iraq had invaded Iran in 1980, using equipment dating back to the Soviet era, but with the country obtaining support in its fight against the militant government of Ayatollah Khomeini, the United States supported the United States during the era of President Ronald Reagan Hussein with money and equipment, such as the Hawairi Hi -Hiwi, Hiwi,It is sold in Jordan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Iran -Iraq war ended with a ceasefire negotiated by the United Nations on August 8.21, 1988.

Because of the intervention of the United States, the fighters who went to the Persian Gulf had to fight Saddam a good idea of what they face - and they were trained against the Soviet tactics of generations.However, Iraq had the fourth largest army in the world, and Iraqi pilots had years of combat experience.

And the Americans did not train in everything: the smoke emitted from the oil fires that Saddam Hussein ignited to the point that the sun disappeared and the pilots had difficulty seeing the beaks of their aircraft.The sand hindered the landing of helicopters when they rose in blind clouds.It turned out that the Iraqi pilots were much more advanced than anyone expected - as they worked in coordinated attacks to deceive American pilots in a dangerous air field..

After Hussein missed the deadline for withdrawing from Kuwait, the desert shield turned into the desert storm on January P.16, 1991.

The United States has established hospitals and field hospitals along the Iraqi -Saudi border in preparation for the blood bathroom.According to news reports, the military leaders expected 10,000 Americans in the first week of the battle - which was read by pilots and ground forces in copying the stars and stripes that moved from one person to another in the days before the start of the desert storm..

The war was historical: Iraq lost 259 aircraft, and P6 aircraft landed.The United States lost 6P, with PP to fight.148 Americans were killed in battles, with 145 other non -hostile businesses, such as car accidents.

Make.Marie Teres Rossi Kaiton was the first woman to work as a leader of a flying unit in the fighting, and she died in this role when her Chinoook collided with an inconsistent microwave tower while flying at night on March 1, 1991, in Saudi Arabia, the Arabian Peninsula.Brenda Robinson, the first black sea pilot, also flew in the Desert Storm.The mail, passengers and goods were transferred to aircraft carriers.The women who checked in that war, in part, led to the 199P raising the combat exclusion policy, which prevented women from serving in combat roles..

Make.Marie Teres Rossi Kaiton was the first woman to work as a flying unit in the fighting.She died in the Shinuk accident on March 1, 1991 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Make.Marie Teres Rossi Kaiton was the first woman to work as a flying unit in the fighting.She died in the Shinuk accident on March 1, 1991 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.The Desert Storm also referred to the beginning of the modern warfare of the pilots, where the first ghost bombers were launched, and the GPS (sometimes) the pilots helped to split their way through the terrain -free terrain.the public.

Between P0 were killed.000 and 100.000 مقاتل عراقي ، معظمهم خلال Air War ، كما قُتل ما يقدر بنحو 100.Iraqi civilians are affected by their wounds or lack of food and water, as well as medical supplies, due to the war.

Three pilots - an army helicopter, Kiowa: Farid Willman;Air Force Pilot Thunderbird: Cesar Rodriguez;And Fox - The War Horse recently told their experiences P0 years ago this week, but they spoke as if the battles they faced were yesterday.They talked about the missiles they launched, the friends they lost, the lessons they learned, and the personal battles they fought in the years that followed..

The three said that they had never expected a war in the desert, and that they found themselves afraid, ready, well -trained and amazed in the skills of their opponents..

“لن أعود بلا حراك“ – سرب المقاتلات التكتيكية رقم 58 ، سلاح الجو

The retired colonel in the Air Force.Cesar Rodriguez did not have any idea of his desire to become a pilot.Rodriguez said that his father, a professional army officer, retired with the rank of Lieutenant -General, who served in Vietnam, but he never spoke about it.. لكن رودريغيز تعلم من خلال خدمة والده أن يحب السفر و “الشخصيات“ التي قابلها ، وكان يعلم أنه يريد الانضمام إلى الجيش.

قال: “لم يكن لدي شغف بالطيران عندما كان طفلاً يكبر“.“I really fell in it literally.“

In Citadel, a military college in South Carolina, Rodriguez underwent a series of tests to find out what he might do well - and his grades were high..He moved from the Army Reserve Officers Training Program to the Air Force Program, and in the end he qualified for a flight school.

After the castle and during aviation training, Rodriguez believed that he would not see more than one mannered: there will be no third world war, and he will spend his career in fighting in the Cold War, which will consist of a dance to avoid the war with the Soviet Union - which seemed to be the Soviet Union also wants to avoid it.

“اعتقدت أن“ حرب كل الحروب “قد خاضت ، ولن يتم اختبار البلاد أو الوصول إليها مثل حقبة فيتنام“.

In 198P, the Soviet Union shot down the Korean Airlines flight 007, and Rodriguez flew his A-10 Writhog to the northern coast of Japan to search for bodies.He said that this happened when he realized the realism of his mission.

But while his service prompted the need to understand the news and the role of the army in it, he said that he does not know much about the Middle East.

قال: “أتذكر عندما أعددنا لشهاداتنا لمهام قتالية – اختباراتنا التأهيلية – كل سيناريوهاتنا التي أعطتنا إياها القوات الجوية وغيرها كانت كلها في الحقيقة كلها مقاربات من نوع الحرب الباردة وأوروبا الشرقية“.Nobody never believed that we will participate in the Middle East.And here is the place we ended up.Our squadron did not have any maps for the Middle East..When they received an invitation to spread, he was leading a detachment in a flight in Golfport, Mississippi.Its eight F-15 aircraft flew against about 24 F-4E Phantom II aircraft from the National Guard in Missouri.Because of the new technology in the F-15 aircraft that the other pilots did not have, the Rodriguez team was close to the defeat.

قال: “لقد أخرجناهم جميعًا“.“It was a great week for us as a swarm, as a team - and that night was one of the party's hell.“

But when he fell, another officer killed his plans.

قال له الضابط: “يا ريكو ، تنطلق الحفلات“.“All your bags are filled. … قلت ، “حسنًا ، ما الذي يحدث؟“ قال ، “لا أعرف.“ قيل لنا فقط ، “عد إلى المنزل في أسرع وقت ممكن.“

At that point, everyone started checking the news to find out what they might be, he said. عندما عادوا إلى الوطن في قاعدة إيجلين الجوية في فلوريدا – موطن سرب المقاتلات التكتيكية رقم 58 – كان خط الطيران “يعج بالنشاط“.

By the end of August, they were in Saudi Arabia.After they landed, they put the planes immediately on alert.

“We started flight tasks, in what we call anti-air defensive tasks, as some of the assets were mobile-AB-Triple-C, Rivit Joints, clearly, carriers, U2S-all of those assets that were literally trying to start collectingData for enemy and air and land orders for the battle.They were in the air, so we were there to protect them 24 hours after our planes landed..

Because it was 1990, every day, the matter of the air mission from Rodriguez came on a flexible disk that was transferred by Learjet.They had to print the matter.

Maps are not a big problem for a swarm because it was flying high - at an altitude of P0.000 or 40.000 feet, so they are not looking for landmarks.

Rodriguez said that although he was not aware of the Middle East, he was training - especially during two or three trips annually to train the red flag at the Nils Air Force Base in Nevada - against the weapons of Iraqis completely.

On the ground, Intel worked hard to provide pilots with what they needed.قال: “استخدم الجميع كل الموارد المتاحة لنا لمساعدتنا على بناء الوعي الظرفي لما يمكن أن يكون هناك“.In addition to the true Russian current capabilities that existed, to include knowing that at some point, we can also fight against Russian pilots.So we planned for the worst.And the

The Iraqi pilots surprised him.

وقال: “أود أن أقول أولاً وقبل كل شيء ، إنني متأكد من أنهم جميعًا استيقظوا ملتزمين 100٪ بالدفاع عن أمتهم“.

وكان بعضهم يعرف كيف يؤدون وظائفهم بشكل جيد وقد أثبتوا ذلك في الحرب ضد إيران ، ولكن مع التدريب الذي حصل عليه فريق رودريغيز ، “سأقول ذلك بصراحة: كنا سنضرب بعقب أحد“ ، قال.

He was confident of his team, and he was confident of his flying capabilities, but every new fighting experience proved to be different from anything he had done at the time of peace.

قال: “بمجرد أن انفصل الجميع عن نظام com الخاص بي ، وكنت أنا فقط داخل قمرة القيادة … عندما كنت في منطقة هادئة ، كنت – سأستخدم المصطلح بصراحة – كنت خائفًا“.Because you don't know.You don't know if there will be another person or expensive on the other side.You don't know if there is a lucky BB, the lucky bullet.I have seen my good friends who died in peace time.Well, we are here in a battle.This can also happen to you. لذا ، كان “الخوف“ جزءًا من طقوسي “.

But he remembers the daily rituals that are applied in times of peace and fighting, and used it to calm himself.He trusted his training.

January. 19 ، بعد ثلاثة أيام من بدء Air War في بغداد ، سيكون الاختبار هو الاختبار.

Rodriguez and his team flew on an anti -aircraft defensive mission to protect the United States.Intelligence origins south of the Iraqi border at noon on another clear blue day.It was almost bright.

وقال “ثم ظهر هدف جديد لم يتم تحديده من قبل“. “لذلك اجتمعت الطائرات التي كانت في حالة تأهب في قواعد مختلفة في جميع أنحاء المنطقة ، وذهبنا وهاجمنا هذا الهدف بالذات“.

They found themselves flying 60 or 70 miles southwest of Baghdad. وحاول العراقيون ، باستخدام الطيارين وأنظمة الدفاع الجوي المتكاملة والدفاعات الصاروخية ، هزيمة طياري التحالف ، لكن “تمكنا من تحييد هذا الجزء منه“.

ولكن بعد ذلك تغير الوضع بشكل كبير عندما حاول الطيارون العراقيون ذوو الخبرة جر رودريغيز ورجل جناحه ، كريج “مول“ أندرهيل ، إلى فخ.

Rodriguez said: “My man's wing man has clashed in two Meg 29 aircraft that used to use a very sophisticated tactic to attack us, then we also lured to run to integrated air missile defenses.“ “لذا ، هناك تكتيك معقد كان سيقوله الكثيرون على الأرجح ،“ الآن ، لا توجد طريقة للقيام بذلك. “ثم ، بالمناسبة ، في التاسع عشر من January ، يفعلون ذلك.“

At that time, the two pilots did not understand the additional danger - they simply seized Meg aircraft.“طائر الجناح الخاص بي أسقط أحدهما بصاروخ AIM-7 Sparrow“ – صاروخ جو-جو موجه بالرادار – “والآخر ، كنت في مناورة عنيفة بصرية“ – مدى قريب ، واحد على – معركة جوية واحدة – “معه ، وأجبرته على تنفيذ مناورته الأخيرة في“ انشقاق S “- بينما كان يطير بعيدًا عن رودريغيز ، انقلب الطيار العراقي ، الكابتن جميل الصيهود ، رأسًا على عقب ، وأشار أنفه إلى على الأرض ، وحاول الوصول إلى المستوى المطلوب للعودة إلى رودريغيز ، لكنه كان منخفضًا جدًا – “مما تسبب في اصطدامه بالأرض.“

During their interrogation, the two American pilots were a coordinated attack, designed to introduce them into the integrated Iraqi air missile defenses.

بسبب تدريبهم ، وبسبب آلاف المرات التي أجروا فيها نفس المناورات في جلسات التدريب في زمن السلم ، فقد أكملوا مهمتهم “بشكل لا تشوبه شائبة“.

It was on the third and sixth day of Rodriguez's selection.But that has not yet been done.During those days, he was sleeping near his plane as much as he could because he did not want to waste any time to drive from one place to another when he was able to sleep in an additional way..O barely ate.

قال: “لقد كان مجرد طحن ، يومًا بعد يوم“.

في January.On November 26, he prepared for another daytime mission, but this time, sandstorms swept the northern border region between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iraq.When sandstorms did not force the gravel on each surface, thunderstorms dominated.Rodriguez flew and swarmed inside and outside the clouds throughout the day, and they found themselves in bad weather while forming a clash.

They made their way towards the threat, but they also searched for a clear sky, and eventually worked at an altitude of P5,000 feet to about 15,000 feet, inside and outside thunderstorms, clouds and rainy storms.

قال رودريغيز: “بمجرد أن وصلنا إلى ما دون 17 أو 18000 قدم ، كان المطر تحتنا فقط – كان من السهل جدًا رؤيته“.

captain. خدم روري “Hoser“ Draeger كقائد الرحلة في تلك المهمة ، والcaptain.Bruce Tel served as the wing pilot.Rudd dogs

Rajliz and Reger killed one atmosphere while they were heading.

يتذكر رودريغيز ما قاله تيل: “كما تعلم ، لقد بدوت أنت وروري هادئين بشكل مخيف“.I was afraid of Bejesus in my cockpit.“

While they were watching the western side of Baghdad, F-15 aircraft ascended against three Mig-2P Floggers left the airports to the west..

"It seems that they wanted to either enter Baghdad or fly to Iran.“ “لا نعرف ما كانت خطة رحلتهم تخبرهم حقًا بفعله.... But if you have to go on a F-15-F-15 flight to reach the next fuel or the next dinner, then I will get down and accept goodbye. “

قال: “سواء كانوا يعرفون أنهم يبحثون عنا ، أو يمكنهم رؤيتنا ، فأنا لا أعرف ذلك“.

After a mission in Kosovo, Rodriguez will be one of three pilots with three air strikes - the most hit since the Vietnam War.

بعد ذلك اليوم ، قتل سربه عدة مرات ، حتى مع انتهاء Air War في نهاية January.

قال رودريغيز “أعتقد أنه في اللغة العامية لأسراب جو-جو ، كنا المحظوظين“.“We had the largest number of dead people in war for everyone.We had the largest number of pilots who were killed several times.We were the youngest squadron in terms of the number of planes in the air campaign..

They attribute their success, including "the launch rate 98.9٪ لكل مهمة تم تكليفنا بدعمها“ ، إلى الأشخاص الموجودين على الأرض للتأكد من قدرته على الطيران – الجميع من الميكانيكيين إلى الطهاة.

When the ground forces were to be rolled, the pilots began receiving intelligence information about the explosive traps that Hussein placed almost everywhere - from the mines of ships in the Persian Gulf to tanks and mines that were planted to the ground forces.On a mission, he saw the oil -full channels that Saddam planned to ignite -Saddam's line, which should be detonated with incendiary bombs that were brought down by C -1P0 aircraft.

“وبعد ذلك ، بالطبع ، بدأنا نرى الصحراء تشتعل“ ، قال ، في إشارة إلى آبار النفط التي أشعلها صدام حسين. “من السماء ، الجواب هو ،“ من المؤكد أن تكون هناك في الأسفل سيء.

عندما تحولت Air War إلى حرب برية وانتقل الطيارون إلى دور دعم أكثر ، أدرك رودريغيز أن المعركة بدأت للتو.

قال: “كان واضحا جدا من مقعدي على ارتفاع P0 و 40 ألف قدم وهو ينظر إلى أسفل“.“This has not ended yet.“

The first fighting - the twenty -fourth infantry division (mechanism), the army

Retired.Colonel.Farid Willman wanted to be anywhere except a heavy mechanical section.He wanted to do work, and Panama, Libya and Granada were all skirmishes that had no time for tanks.

Instead, as a 2P-year-old Lieutenant, he led an exploratory family from Bell Oh-58 Kiowa helicopters at the Apache battalion in the twenty-fourth infantry battalion (mechanism).

“I remember entering into a discussion with the captain of my battalion, when I was assigned for the first time in the Apache battalion, saying that I need to get out of there and reach a light infantry battalion like the seventh identity because we do not, we will never go..“You must love the arrogance of a lieutenant from West Point: I was that man.“

Three factions in, Wilman Nasir.

قال ويلمان ضاحكًا: “يجب أن ينظر إلى الوراء ويفكر ،“ يا له من أحمق سخيف.“We really didn't imagine a huge tank war in the Middle East.“

Willman's father served in the Marine Corps during World War II.He lost his uncle with the naval infantry in Korea, and the second was a pilot in the Air Force died when his launcher was shattered.With this background, Willman learned that he wanted the service and provided to West Point.Like many of this generation, he was worried that he wouldn't have a chance to prove himself.

He was stationed in Fort Stewart living in an apartment next to the airport when Panama fell a year before the desert storm, and he could hear Rangers flying.

But in August 1990, he received a call to come to work at midnight.

قال “حسنًا ، الباقي هو التاريخ“.

His fiancée had just moved from New York, and they moved to a new apartment together, so they had no cable yet.He went to another lieutenant to watch TV and shouting.

He conquered Hussein Kuwait.

قال ويلمان: “كنت أنا وصديقي جالسين على الأرض ، نشرب الجعة ، وننظر إلى بعضنا البعض“. “قلت ،“ كما تعلم ، يا رجل ، كل قاذوراتنا تان مصبوغ.

They had just returned from the desert training at the National Training Center.

تذكرت ويلمان قوله “ألا تعتقد أنهم سيرسلوننا؟“ لأن النكتة كانت في السابق أننا جزء من قوة الانتشار السريع ، وهي الفرقة 18 المحمولة جواً

Urine.But we are not the power of rapid spread, right?It is a mechanical section.It is not as if you could put us on some C5s..

Wilman worked as a prosecutor on that week because his leader was on vacation, and he was called to the battalion at one in the morning.

يتذكر ويلمان قائد كتيبته قائلاً: “لن تصدقوا هذا ، لكننا ماضون“.“We, nothing.We are spreading in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

At that time, there was no family preparation group, and friends and friends were not counted when it was time to get important advantages and notifications, so he and his fiancée took the lunch hour to marry on August 9.The following week, the unit carried its equipment on the ships and headed.

Willman was upgraded to the commander of a species of scout helicopters in Alpha, which is part of a battalion that has just moved to Alfa Apache..

Each Apache company had six Apache helicopters in a gun species, then one species of OH-58 Kiowas-OH-58 Kiowas-OH-58 Kiowas.One or two scouts flew with three or four Apache.

It was not limited to that they were heading to a tank war, but Apache worked like tanks - until she was flying in the formation of tanks.It has been used as tanks: to take out tanks.But Kiowas is two small and rapid seats, so they acted as Apache's eyes, as they were rushing inward and outside to explore the landscape.

Willman said: “Barry Macafri was the division leader and he really wanted to advance Apache.Other brigades put Apache aircraft at airports, but Willman's unit went to the desert and set up tents.

قال: “عشنا في الصحراء طوال الوقت ، مما جلب تحدياتها ، لكنها أعدتنا جيدًا للغزو“. “كان علينا أن نكون بارعين ، مثل ، كيف تهبط دون أي نثر؟“

بمرور الوقت وعمليات الإنزال المتعددة ، تحولت الرمال إلى “مسحوق القمر“ ، لذلك قام الطيارون بتبليلها بالماء.This lasted for about a minute, as temperatures rise in August to a percent.So they used the oil.Finally, the army brought an artificial material that crucified in the sidewalk.

They arrived behind the 82 air -mobile plane as part of the first wave.At that time, they believed that Saddam would attack the Kingdom.

ليطلع العراقيون حتى العملاء على تقرير البنتاغون عن بطولات ابناء الرافدين في صد العدوان الثلاثيني

They have constantly carried out exploratory tasks in search of methods of invasion and ways to establish a defense for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia along the borders of Kuwait and down to the oil fields and Iran..

When it became clear that Saddam will not be coincided with, they started planning the attack.

قال ويلمان: “نحن نرتدي بدلات MOPP ونتدرب ، لكننا نطير كثيرًا“.We worked hard on those planes.From the commander of the battalion to the commander of the company, it was similar to training, training, training, and training.It is like all the time, so it became by heart..

They had a lot of touch time to the point that they achieved a level of communications rarely for any team of pilots.

قال ويلمان: “لقد تمكنا من قيادة طائرات أباتشي الخاصة بنا دون التحدث“.

They also transferred support - communication management, firmness, passenger running to the airport.

وقال: “نادرًا ما كان هناك يومين أو ثلاثة أيام لم أطير فيها ، وكان ذلك رائعًا“.

Every morning, they wiped the field of weapons training because the Bedouins were wandering at night.

مع بدء Air War ، عمل ويلمان على تغطية تحركات القوات البرية أثناء تمركزهم للمعركة.

وقال: “أحد أسباب استغراقنا شهرًا في شن Air War هو التخفيف من حدتها“. واضاف “ولكن ايضا لدينا فيلقان او ثلاثة فيلق من الجنود في مواقع سرية“.

His unity moved to the Iraqi border to the west, where they remained on the left left side of the large left hook - the left wing of the alliance and the western Kuwait - for the original battle plan..After they settled in the foreground, they started flying again.

قال ويلمان: “كنت أقوم بجولات كثيرة ، وأتجول عبر الحدود لأن سلاح الفرسان سيقولون ،“ مرحبًا ، هناك بعض العراقيين يتجولون “، ويتفقدون الأمر. “لذلك كنا نحاول تغطية تحركاتنا ، لذلك كنا نرسل الأباتشي إلى هناك ، ولكن مع تقدم الحرب ، كان الجنرال ماكافري غير راضٍ حقًا عن المعلومات الاستخباراتية التي كان يحصل عليها بشأن طرق غزونا“.

Unlike what they heard at the headquarters, the pilots were generally not known as the events of the war.In 1991, they had no individual access to space or television, and very few people, in general, had heard e -mail.

“كانت مختلفة عن [العراق]“ – حيث انتشر ويلمان بعد 11 سبتمبر – “حيث يمكنك التقاط القمر الصناعي.We were going to the battalion headquarters in an attempt to get updates because the TV was rising there.But at the level of the company, you are in the dark to a large extent.People forget how old the school was ".

At that point, no one had combat experience at the company level as well.

MBAT spots were very rare in 1990 - only the old Vietnam men and perhaps some veterinarians in Panama.“Many people have made their ears fight fighting.Cheerful.It was terrifying. “

Looking back, he said he made a lot of mistakes.

قال: “لقد كنت متوترة للغاية“.“I remember that I was angry.Now I know I was like, really wireless.Look at my own experience as a young lieutenant and say, “My God, I have been absorbed.“ مثل ، “يا يسوع ، يا له من حمار!“

He laughs at that now, but he took these lessons in future deployment, realizing that he needed to keep his soldiers calm and understand what they were going through: adhere to training and muscle memory.Their brains are confused.They are losing friends:

Do not distract your attention.Be calm and concentrated.قال: “عليك دائمًا قيادة المروحية“. “الأمر يتطلب ارتعاشًا طفيفًا ويموت الناس“.

مع استمرار Air War في فبراير ، أصبحت وحدة ويلمان أكثر أهمية.

They flew with black and white maps - copies of maps - because the army did not have enough maps for the Middle East.He highlighted the Tigris River with a light blue mark.

قال ويلمان: “لذلك قرر [ماكافري] أنه يريد أن يقود طائرات أباتشي إلى العراق على طول الطرق الجوية ليلاً – طرق الغزو – للقيام باستطلاع على الطريق“.But the joke was that Apache could not sail: their job was to bomb things.Apache pilots suffer from bad navigation..

Nobody wanted to send infrared pilots - Apache used infrared, and the scouts used night vision glasses.

قال: “أنت تعلم أنه كان أغمق من حمار الساحرة في العراق“.“I received a phone call closely on one of the nights where the darkness was just and I could not see the shit.“

But while he was heading towards the ground, he saw his red rear lights indicating the sand.

قال “لذلك كان الطيران باستخدام NVGs خطيرًا“. في الليل ، “كنا نطير بجوار أباتشي بدلاً من قيادتها“.

The Apache driving satellites were full of red lights.Use the scouts of the cockpit lights to make sure they do not collide with their pilot colleagues.

Willman said: “It was beautiful.

The Apache, without direction from Kiowas scouts, struggled to find their methods.

يتذكر ويلمان قائلاً: “ذهب اثنان من قادة فصيلة الكشافة والطيارين إلى قيادتنا وقالوا:“ يجب أن تدعنا ندخل – يجب أن تدعنا نطير في هذه المهام “. “كنا نجلس هناك ، وكان يقتلنا“.

They have agreed.They planned to send two scout weapons teams, with Wellman and SPC.Chris Anderson - his air control - comes out. ولكن بعد ذلك ، نظرًا لأن ويلمان كان أصغر طيار في الفريق ، طلب منه الطيارون الآخرون “إيقاف المهمة مؤقتًا“.Wellman was not happy, but he re -assembled his ranks.

As a group commander, he had the highest administrative rank: he who made decisions.But as a pilot, the main officers - technical experts who often had a time as members of the recruiter service before assignment - were older and had a longer time in the cock.

وقال: “الأمر لا يتعلق بالقيادة أو الرتبة“. “يتعلق الأمر بمن سيسافر بأمان في بلد آخر حيث لا توجد معلومات ويعود“.

Wilman gave approval, and replaced him with CW2 Hal Reichle - a more experienced pilot - and specifications.Mike Daniels.CW2 will also come out Dennis Medley, as is already planned, with its left seat, specifications.Dave Corlette.في تلك الليلة ،20 شباط ، “هال ذهب مع فريق واحد من أباتشي ، وذهب دينيس مع فريق آخر وقاموا بالطرق ،“ قال ويلمان.At some point, they hit what it seemed to be a ground fog in Iraq, and the crews of the aircraft were separated.The Apache performed a mission who aborted and returned, and when they returned across the border, Hull and Mike were not with them..

The next morning, another group of Apache and Black Hawk found them: I crashed four kilometers inside Iraq.They were killed when they collided with the land.

قال ويلمان: “سنوات وسنوات وسنوات من العلاج لذلك الشخص“ ، واصفًا ذنب الناجين لأنهم فقدوا ليس فقط اثنين من رفاقه ، ولكن أيضًا شخصًا خرج مكانه.

قال ويلمان: “قمنا بمهمتين أخريين من نفس النوع حيث قام العراقيون بنكز الحدود وسنلاحقهم“.“After that, this was until the wild war began and we did our work.“

“في أي وقت وفي أي مكان“ —سرب مقاتلة سترايك 81 ، البحرية

قال فوكس ، الطيار البحري: “بقدر ما أتذكر ، أردت أن أطير طائرات“.When I discovered that there were planes that landed and took off from the ships, that was closed

For me. “

Given that he grew up in West Texas and did not see the ocean until he went to the Maritime Academy, this seems very important.His father was a doctor, but he was on board aircraft carriers during World War II. قال فوكس: “ربما أعطاني ذلك القليل من الذوق“.

حصل فوكس على تكليفه عام 1978 – أثناء “الركود“ الذي أعقب حرب فيتنام.There was for the sake of searching for the self that followed that war, then for Ronald Reagan to mobilize the forces in the 1980s.

قال: “كنت أتوقع دائمًا أنه سيكون هناك نوع من التراب مع السوفييت“.“And you know, this did not succeed.“

He started his military life on a A-7 plane, but then moved to the FA-18 Hornet in 1984 before serving in USS Cole in the Mediterranean Sea.

قال “رائع“.It's just a great plane.It is easy and reliable maneuvering and all the things that - it's a great plane. وأراد الجميع في البحر المتوسط ​​أن يصطدموا برؤوسهم معنا.So we finished training on the fighting of British F-4 and F-104 Italian aircraft.

During his service, in 1986, the United States launched air strikes on Libya in response to its sponsorship of terrorist attacks against Americans.More than 100 US dollars hit the air force and naval aircraft five targets within an hour.But it was still different from the desert storm.

قال: “لقد كنت على حافة مقعدي“.I was in crisis before.But this was the first time that the ammunition was spent in a personal combat experience..

Fox was in 1990, and led a F / A-18 Hornet swarker.They were training for the Cold War, as usual.

In early August of 1990, his ship, USS Saratoga, spread immediately when Saddam invaded Kuwait.

قال فوكس: “لم نكن نعرف ذلك ، لكنها كانت نهاية الحرب الباردة“.The entire strategic geographical balance was somewhat a little there, and the Saddam had a very bad time to decide to invade Kuwait at the same time that we were somewhat at the height of our strength in the Cold War, and we expect something against the Soviets. “

ساراتوجا “زحفت“ إلى الخليج الفارسي دون أن يكون لديها أي دليل للعمل في الشرق الأوسط.

While he felt prepared for Iraqi defenses, he found that the possibility is realistic.

قال: “هؤلاء الرجال لديهم ثالث أو رابع أكبر جيش في العالم ، وهم محصنون في المعركة“.They were in the Iran -Iraq war almost the 1980s.There were all these expectations that “the desert would swim in blood.“

When he arrived for the first time in Saudi Arabia shortly after Saddam's attack on Kuwait, he spent his time trying to discover the battle plan: How do we support B-52 aircraft?What do we do if Al -Hussein was invaded by Saudi Arabia?Perhaps we will prevent tanks in the battlefield.

Then the general. نورمان شوارزكوف جونيور و Make.Gene.Chuck Horner appeared in the picture. “كان هناك تحول في تفكيرنا من رد الفعل والدفاعي إلى استباقي وهجومي ، إذا أردتم ، الدخول في ذلك ، على خلفية مفاوضات الأمم المتحدة وقرار مجلس الأمن الدولي“.

قيل لصدام حسين إنه بحاجة لسحب قواته من الكويت بحلول الثالث من January.15, 1991 - or otherwise.

قال فوكس: “كلما اقتربنا أكثر ، أصبح من الواضح أكثر فأكثر أنه لن يغادر“.“I always thought that he would somehow a way to overcome it and get tired of it in some way.He blew it up..

While preparing, they were trained on mirrored flights: The ship will fired the loads that you will use in the fight.The pilots will fly at the same distances that they will travel in the war.They will repeat the same procedures that they may use to reach the air force carriers.This meant air sorties of four and a half hours to five hours - which were considered long in the days before the World War on terrorism - and to ensure that all other parts are compatible together..

The marine tankers did not have carriers on board, and the air force carriers worked differently from the navy, which means that the pilots need transformers, which were created only for the desert storm - and a lot of training.

وفي الوقت نفسه ، درسوا أنظمة العراق ودفاعاته في محاولة لمعرفة كيفية “كسرها“.

قال: “كان لديهم دفاع جوي متكامل ومتطور للغاية“.How to disintegrate that?Well, you kill sensors.And you kill the long -range radars.And then you start working on your way so that they can blind them or confuse them..

ثم بدأت الحرب مع “صيد سكود العظيم“ عام 1991.

أرعبت الصواريخ الباليستية التكتيكية سكود بي القوات المتمركزة في الظهران بالمملكة العربية السعودية ، ابتداءً من ليلة P January.17, and send them to MPP-4 protective equipment.Scud was dropped with a Patriot missile.Other Scud missiles were fired against Israel, and the strikes continued in the following days against both countries, ultimately killing P1 people..In February, Scud will kill 27 other people: American reserve soldiers from Pennsylvania.

United State. ضربت القوات28 موقعًا ثابتًا لصواريخ سكود مع كل شيء من B-52s إلى F-117 Stealth Fighters في نفس الوقت

G or Jan.17, 1991. بعد ذلك ، ذهبوا بعد “شاحنات سكود“ – شاحنات يمكن إطلاق صواريخ سكود منها والتي كانت منتشرة في جميع أنحاء غرب وجنوب العراق.The alliance chased them with A-10 Thunderbolts, RAF Tornado-and F-18 fighters.

قال فوكس: “كانت هذه مشكلة استهداف ديناميكي لم نتدرب عليها من قبل“. “إنه صعب“.

في ذلك اليوم ، 17 January ، طار فوكس دون أن يعرف ماذا حدث لسبايشر – الطيار الذي تحطم في وقت مبكر من صباح ذلك اليوم بعد إقلاعه من ساراتوجا.Spyker will be the only American who is still missing at the end of the war.The rumors continued for years that the pilot was expelled when his plane crashed early in that morning.he did not do.Years later, in 2009, an Iraqi told the United States: The Iraqi Marines witnessed the Bedouins that the Bedouins were buried quickly..Then the Iraqis led the naval infantry to the site, and the pilot returned to his home.The CIA stated that he died at the collision.

Fox's goal was at an airport called HP.F18 aircraft flew along the EA-6B Prowles, which disturbed the electronic signals from the integrated Iraqi air defense system so that the Iraqis could not find it.قال فوكس: “إن Tomcats في الشمال كهدف ، وأنا أسمع هذه المكالمات عن قطاع الطرق“.And finally, the E2 men made this contact with the dynamite, because we were in a group that was directly directed to them, and they were going to us correctly..“

Fox and the other pilots move quickly towards the target, and Fox was about to throw his joke.

قال فوكس: “قال E2 ،“ هؤلاء اللصوص على أنفك على بعد 15 إلى P0 ميلاً “، ونحن على بعد P0 ميلاً جنوب الهدف في هذه المرحلة. كانت طائرات إف / إيه -18 تحلق على ارتفاع P0 ألف قدم تقريبًا ، “بأسرع ما يمكن أن تصنع هورنت دون استخدام الحارق اللاحق“.

Each person had three bombs weighing 2000 pounds-three MK-84 bombs.

وقال فوكس “لقد كان مطارا شديد الدفاع“.

Fox had an additional bomb weighing 2000 pounds.He had Sidewinder missiles on its wings and two Sparrow missiles.

قال فوكس: “يقول E2 ،“ هذا اللصوص على أنفك في سن 15 “.Immediately I was looking low.We have made a mechanical scan of radars in the Gulf, so my mission was to look low..

Sidewinder has been placed in a quick lock acquisition mode.A lock on the Iraqi MiG is nine miles away.

قال فوكس: “إن مجرد قول هذا يستغرق وقتًا أطول بكثير مما حدث بالفعل“.

E2 returned.“On your nose at 15 o'clock.“

Fox said: “Locke, there is a man nine miles away, 1.P Mach.“ لذا فهو يتحدث عن الأسرع من الصوت.I am in 0.9 Mach or 0.91, so I am close to the speed of sound, but I am not faster than the sound. “

These two planes are closed at a total rate of 2.2 Mach or 2.P.

قال فوكس: “الأشياء تحدث بسرعة كبيرة ، أعتقد أن هذه هي الطريقة لوضع ذلك“.“What you train in the time of peace is what you do in the fighting.“

Within 10 miles, five deep miles.

قال فوكس: “ظللت أقول للسايدويندر ،“ انظر إلى أسفل خط رؤية الرادار ، ولم ير أي شيء “.“Look at the bottom of the radar vision line.“ “لم نر أي شيء.“ في المرة الثالثة التي قمت فيها بذلك ، حصلت على rar-rar-rar-rar-rar “أصدر فوكس ضوضاء مثل الزنبرك المهتز.

Good tone: He knew he had a matrix shot.At the same time, he worked on the top of the enemy plane.

قال فوكس: “كنت أعرف أنه كان رجلاً سيئاً“. “لذلك التقطت لقطة من نوع Sidewinder ،“ Fox Two “- فوكس 2 هو الاتصال اللاسلكي عندما أطلق طيار صاروخًا حراريًا – وانطلق الصاروخ من السكة الحديدية.

But then began to be uncertain.

قال: “في العادة ، كان الأمر أشبه بقطار يمر“. “إنها مثل“ Whoosh! “لكنها اختفت بعد ذلك.“


Fox fired two or three Sidewinders rockets in missile training, and the missiles have always left large smokes.When shooting on a simulation device, faced the same thing.

But when he shot the MiG, he did not see a column of smoke.

قال: “اتضح أن هذه الميكروفونات من طراز A-9 كانت تمتلك محركات جديدة لا تدخن للعلامة التجارية“.


قال “فكرت ،“ يا رجل ، هذا هو اليوم الأول من موسم الصيد – ربما أصبت بحمى باك.

So he chose Sparrow, a radar -directed missile, and fired a 4 length bullet.2 miles.

قال فوكس: “بمجرد أن أضغط على الزناد على Sparrow ، أصابته Sidewinder ، حدث انفجار كبير“.“But after that, I got out of the explosion..“

When the Meg under Fox went less than 1000 feet, the umbrella was still on board the plane.The plane was burned from the middle of the fuselage to the back.

قال: “لم أستدعي رصاصتي“.“I was very determined to what I was doing, and I did not tell others on board.“

He took his wing on the far left.

“سبلاش واحد!“ جاء في الراديو.Infection with the ammunition consumed.

Then the man is on my right

قال بهدوء شديد ، “سبلاش 2“ ، قال.

اكتشف فوكس أن أول انفجار من طراز MiG جاء من الطيار الآخر ، الcaptain. نيك “مونجو“ مونجيلو.

Whenever they approach their goal, they face more planes, move slowly.American pilots did not know whether they were hostile planes, but they made unusual mistakes, as if they were calling the Americans to attack them..

“Some of the intelligence information that we studied, before the start of the war, was that the Iraqis during the Iran -Iraq war would do some very complex tactics, as they will have someone who comes and does something real. Fox said. “وستقوم طائرات F-4 الإيرانية بذلك ، وتستفيد من هذا الخطأ ، وبعد ذلك سيكون لدى العراقيين Flogger أسرع من الصوت ، أو شخصًا ينتقل من مستوى منخفض إلى مرتفع ويأتي إلى هناك ويصيب الإيرانيين“.He was watching behind him to make sure he was not fed.

After that he realized that he was on the goal, and he had to fly behind him to pursue the other pilot with 8,000 pounds.

قال فوكس: “إنه لا يشكل أي تهديد For me ، وقد أتيت إلى هنا لإلقاء القنابل“.This is what he did. في HP ، بحث عن مخبأ القيادة والتحكم الذي كان من المفترض أن يكون هدفه ، لكنه كان وقت الظهيرة – لا ظلال ولا تعريف للهدف.He could not see him.But he then saw the secondary target, a large plane fold.Dump.

During his return, he asked whether the first explosion may be his side watch.He felt the possibility, but he needed to focus on his plane landing on the carrier.

قال “لدي هذا النوع من الملاك الصغير والشيطان الصغير على كتف“. “لقد حصلت على ميج قتل!“ “سوف تسرع!“

إذا أخطأ الطيار الأسلاك عند هبوط سفينة واضطر للعودة إلى الأرض ، فهذا يسمى “الترباس“.This is embarrassing.

Because they lost a pilot early in that morning, Fox said that he was not in a mood to do a victory game or something to celebrate.He fell in his first corridor - without a thunderbolt - and went to extract information.

نظر جو موبلي ، الطيار الذي كان أسير حرب أثناء حرب فيتنام بعد إسقاط طائرته وكان “أميرًا مطلقًا لرجل“ ، في شريط فوكس.

Unknown to Fox, his first missile saw Al -Mij and chasing him.Sparrow and Sidowander hit the back of the Iraqi pilot's plane.

قال موبلي لشبكة فوكس: “مارك ، لقد أطلقت عصفورًا على طائرة ميج محترقة“.“This is expensive, as you know.“

قال فوكس ضاحكاً: “أردت فقط أن أتأكد“.

قال فوكس: “مدى جودة تدريبك هو مؤشر مباشر على مدى جودة قتالك“. “لا يوجد شيء سحري حقًا في ذلك ، باستثناء حقيقة أنك لا تعرف حتى تطلق الذخيرة في الواقع في حالة غضب ، ثم تدرك ،“ كان تدريبي جيدًا جدًا. “

كانت الأولى من بين اثنين فقط من United State البحرية ميج تقتل خلال عاصفة الصحراء.

“طعام السفينة ذاق أفضل.The sun shines brighter.It was good to be alive..

Kelly Kennedy is the editor -in -chief of The War Horse. كيلي هو المؤلف الأكثر مبيعًا والصحفي الحائز على جوائز والذي خدم في United State. الجيش من 1987 إلى 199P ، بما في ذلك جولات في الشرق الأوسط أثناء عاصفة الصحراء ، وفي مقديشو ، الصومال. عملت كمراسلة للسياسة الصحية في USA TODAY ، وأمضت خمس سنوات في تغطية الصحة العسكرية في Military Times ، وهي مؤلفة كتاب “لقد حاربوا من أجل بعضهم البعض: انتصار ومأساة الوحدة الأشد تضرراً في العراق“. – مؤلفة كتاب “Fight Like a Girl: الحقيقة حول كيفية تدريب مشاة البحرية“ مع كيت جيرمانو.As a journalist, she was working in both Iraq and Afghanistan. هي United State الوحيدة صحفية تخدم في القتال وتغطيها كصحفية مدنية ، وهي أول امرأة رئيسة لمراسلين ومحررين عسكريين.

Editors ’Note: This article appeared for the first time on The War Horse, a prize -winning news organization to educate the public about military service.Subscribe to the newsletter