Files and secrets of Gaddafi men in Sudan

In the first moments after entering the February 17 revolutionaries, the Libyan capital, Tripoli (August 2011)))))))), (Al -Jazeera)))))))) channel - as part of its coverage of the event - reported scenes of the Libyan Intelligence Administration building, and presented pictures and documents on the secrets and secrets of the period of the rule of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.He drew attention that the opening snapshot in that report was an old picture that brought together Sharif Hussein Al -Hindi with who appears to be a senior official in the Libyan government, and Sharif Hussein Al -Hindi was the mastermind and the Secretary -General of the National Front that carried the banner of fighting against the Jaafar Nimeiri government, and he is one of the Sudanese politicians with relationsInterpretated and multifaceted.The relationship of the Sudanese with Gaddafi was not considered a secret, despite the ambiguity that marred this relationship, its motives and agenda.In those days of the year 2011 AD, during the developments of the Libyan revolution, the controversy in Khartoum began to rise, overlap and contradict.Controversial accusations between men who have become the focus of attention.Most of them, of course, try to deny what was a reality and a reality.This article, if you like, aims to exhume and flog for a thorny relations file that brought together Sudan leaders with the man who was controlling the reins of affairs in the western neighbor, and he was an influential player in important historical stations in Sudanese politics as it will be more clear during the coming lines..You will find here, dear reader, what is surprising and sharpening your imagination!The man interferes to abort the coups in Khartoum and change ministers and install others instead, money bags received in the wings of Tripoli hotels, scenes that do not start with a fossil until they end with a tower in the Muqrin Niles.And senior leaders lines their names on the papers of the shiny dollar in a long list, which is the list of (Gaddafi men in Sudan))))))))..Let's start, so the seeds of the novel look long.

A visit to the outstanding history of September 1969, the world paid attention to the voices of the military Marshas coming from Tripoli, the capital, the capital of Libya, and the voice of Lieutenant Muammar Gaddafi (27 years)))))))) announces the overthrow of the royal rule and sets himself as a single ruler for life, until the end was at the dawn of October 20, 2011 when he put a revolutionaryLibyan, he does not care about anyone, the end of the hero of a novel that lasted about half a century is Colonel Muammar Gaddafi (69)))))))) years old.

The fact that the facts of the National Front led by Sharif Al-Hindi, Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi and Al-Turabi say against Jaafar Nimeiri (69-1985 AD)))))))) that there are two personalities who played an important role in transferring the Sudanese opposition from Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia to Libya.They are the Libyan intelligence officer, Major Saleh Al -Daraouki, and he was a military attaché beyond Sudan after the rivalry that took place between Nimeiri and Gaddafi due to the South Convention 1972 AD.Which prevented the crossing of the Libyan forces to Uganda to save the regime of the late Ugandan president, Idi Amin, and the second person was the late Babiker Karar, who had close ties to the Libyan regime..Fath Al -Rahman Al -Badawi, one of the leaders of the National Front, says: (Babiker Karrar was the president of the Islamic Socialist Party, and he was present in Libya before us, and he had channels with Egypt, and there was a tendency to alliances between the Arab current and the Federal Democratic Party.From this entrance, our connection with Gaddafi started.(There was Hassan Dandash, who was present in Libya as a merchant and a sign and his first work was the sale of the remnants of the American “Hubbus Base” in Tripoli.It was from Hassan Dandash.))))))))

The deals of Sharif Hussein Al -Hindi were responsible for the money on the National Front, which included, along with the federations, the supporters represented by Omar Nour Al -Daim, and the Islamists who were represented by Othman Khaled Mudawi, who is the same man whose name will be linked to the Libyan government's possession deal on the Al -Fateh tower license off the Nile Street in Khartoum, and thisWhat we will return to later.To mention the deals, there is another deal that the journalist writer Osama Al -Nour told us, as he said: The regional and international relations of the Indian at the time enabled him to play important roles for the Gaddafi regime such as the American Blue C130 planes deal that he was able to learn in favor of the Libyan masses after the famous arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi dominatedAbout the deal;Because Khashoggi asked for a huge commission from the Libyans to complete it. لكن بالنظر لجدول العلاقات الأمريكية – الليبية نجد معلومة ذات صلة تقول إن الإدارة الأمريكية أوقفت في العام 1974م عملية تسليم ثماني طائرات من طراز (130)))))))) إلى ليبيا رغم تسديد ثمنها (60 مليون دولار أمريكي)))))))) مقدماً سنة 1972م.

ملفات وأسرار رجال القذافي في السودان

A scene from the seventies, we give us the conquest.He says (I trained there and he was with me, Ghazi Salah al -Din, Awad Jadin and Ahmed Al -Majzoub..Most of the rescue system staff were with us, and I remember here that they were moving with kinetic names. وحين أصبحت قائداً لمدرسة الصاقعة في (أوديما)))))))) بضواحي بنغازي بإشراف مباشر من الشهيد العقيد عبد الفتاح يونس الذي كانت تربطه علاقات وثيقة بالشريف حسين الهندي، أذكر طرفة شهيرة أطلقها الدكتور كمال أحمد عبد الرحمن المحاضر حالياً بجامعة المسيسبي، وذلك حين استعرضنا قوائم الإخوان المسلمين بأسمائهم الحركية ومن بينها الغيث بن سعد، علي بن أبي طالب، وحتى ابن أختي عبد الله التجاني جاءنا باسم أبوبكر الصديق.

القذافي صائد النجوميقول المفكر السوداني حيدر إبراهيم في مقال بصحيفة (البيان)))))))) الإماراتية : (لم تكن أخبار ليبيا السعيدة والحزينة بالنسبة لي مجرد أحداث وأنباء، ولكنها مشاعر كثيرة مختلطة ومتداخلة.What sparked imprisonment and bitter remembrance, how was the colonel with all its tenderness and madness, the Valley, to attract smart personalities such as Babiker Karar, Abdullah Zakaria, Al -Sadiq Al -Mahdi, Hussein Al -Hindi and Othman Khaled Mudawi?)))))))).Haider draws a funny picture of his relationship with the Libyan leader when he was a lecturer at a Libyan university, as he says: (On a personal level, I suffered for a period of five months in Libya - despite my long contract with the university - from the evening, the revolutionary students were: Musa Koussa, Ahmed Ibrahim and Omar Al -SudaniThey awaken us at any time at night, because the colonel wants to discuss the "social problem" in the green book, with the professors.He does not sleep, and a person completely night.We were affordable for their hands, for a reason that seemed strange, as we used to live in the university's interior.Why ?Because after applying the principle of the house to his residents, the angel refused to rent their homes!Here, the university was forced to housing the professors with their families in the interior of students.This facilitates - also - to monitor them and follow their movements.))))))))

The opposite ....The question is what is the opposite of millions of dollars that Gaddafi bestowed on the treasures of Sudanese parties and personalities?.This will be clear later.But here we stand on a possible cover for the relationships between the two parties.It is a political charter signed by several Sudanese parties with the Libyan government.We read one of the documents of the National Front that was seeking to bring down the Jaafar Nimeiri regime in the 1970s.The document reveals a meeting that the late Babiker Karrar arranged and included the opposition leaders Sharif Hussein Al -Hindi, Omar Nour Al -Daimim and Othman Khaled Mudawi with representatives of the Libyan leadership in Tripoli, and the meeting concluded a confidence between the two parties on four items: (cooperation between the Libyan authority and the Sudanese opposition, to bring down the ruling regime in SudanBy all means.After the regime's overthrow, a Sudanese -Libyan fusion unit is established.One political organization in the two countries, called the Socialist Popular Congress, is applied in the new homeland Islamic law)))))))).This gives us an idea of the methods of thinking at that time.A popular social conference and the application of Islamic law.A little focus reveals that this document belongs to the writers of the late Babiker Karar and his friend Muammar Gaddafi (alone Abu Aisha, may God rest his soul, can bring Sudan, Libya, the Popular, Socialist and Islamic Law in one hollow.))))))))

Gaddafi asks about his integration unit for your days, that is, in 2011, I asked Professor Muhammad Ibrahim Kabij to comment on this document..But it seems that Zakaria was sometimes moving away from Karar.)))))))He mentioned Kabij an incident that occurred after the April uprising 1985 AD. ففي زيارة لوفد سوداني بقيادة إدريس البنا عضو مجلس السيادة لطرابلس كان سؤال القذافي لهم مباشرة هو:(عملتو شنو في موضوع الوحدة الاندماجية؟)))))))) ويبدو أن أعضاء الوفد فوجئوا بهذا السؤال فحاولوا مداراة الأمر.

Abdullah Zakaria.. الرجل الأخضرفي رحلة التقصي حول (رجال القذافي في السودان)))))))) أو دعنا نقول أصدقاء القذافي، ما من محطة وقفنا عندها إلا وذُكِرَ اسم Abdullah Zakariaلارتباطه الوثيق والتاريخي بالقذافي ووصفه لنا البعض بـ(سادن الكتاب الأخضر والنظرية العالمية الثالثة)))))))). هناك خزعبلة سودانية رائجة تقول إنّ Abdullah Zakariaهو مؤلف الكتاب الأخضر.It is Khazabala, because whoever reads the green book will reach a firm certainty that there is no better than Gaddafi, author of that book, no one shares it..Abdullah Zakariaبدأ الدفاع عن نفسه بالهجوم. فمنذ أن لوحت شمس القذافي بالمغيب أخرج الرجل دفاتره القديمة وبدأ بتوجيه مدفعيته الثقيلة نحو من (قَبَضو)))))))) حسب تعبيره. وبدأ حملة الـ(Open books)))))))) كما يصف الغربيون فتح الملفات على مصاريعها.The first leaders accused of receiving funds is the head of a great party, who received - according to Zakaria - an amount of two million dollars from Muammar Gaddafi in exchange for supporting the Bush Senior campaign.Zakaria was based on a statement from Abu Bakr Younis Jaber, a member of the historical leadership of the September Revolution.Before that, he revealed the federal parties, the Sudanese Communist Party, and all the national conference received financial support from Gaddafi. وذكر في برنامج (مراجعات)))))))) بقناة النيل الأزرق أنه أشرف وبشكل مباشر على تسليم المعارضة أموالاً من النظام الليبي عبر دائرة ضيقة بطرابلس يشرف عليها كبار المسؤولين الليبيين، على رأسهم وزير الداخلية قبل ثورة فبراير العقيد عبد الفتاح يونس، وقال إن قيادات جبهة المعارضة ضد نميري تسلموا أربعة ملايين دولار.And that the National Front was taking money.He said that the Umma Party, led by Al -Sadiq al -Mahdi, was seizing money from Gaddafi. وقد عضد الاتهام ضد حزب الأمة أحد قياداته السابقة وهو عبد الرحمن فرح مدير جهاز المخابرات في الديمقراطية الثالثة (86-1989م)))))))) والذي اعترف بأنهم في حزب الأمة تلقوا من الزعيم الليبي دعماً مقدراً في انتخابات 1986م.Describing this support that it was not for the blackness of their eyes, but rather a defiance in Egypt, which provided generous support to the Federal Democratic Party..The relationship of the Umma Party to Libya was associated in later years with Mubarak Al -Fadil.In another context, one of those familiar with the Libyan file in Sudan assured me that the federations received money from Libya after the Egyptian -Libyan initiative in 2002.He said that in the presence of a federal delegation to Libya, Gaddafi called on Jumaa Al -Fazani and asked him before them about the amount that one of the party leaders received by name.And the delegation is completely embarrassed.

We leave the late Muammar Gaddafi asking, everyone who meets him, about his integration unit and his dollars and..We stand here.

Muhammad Al -Mabroukah, the next day