"Father" .. A dementia is eating the memory of the elderly elderly in the Sea of the Eighty

Ibrahim Imam

Life provides us in some cases direct and simple answers to questions that seem deep.Many poets talk about memories, their importance, and how a person without memories loses his humanity.On the other hand, we find many thinkers discuss the idea of memory and what it means to a person, and they believe that memory is the most important means that humans use in building civilizations, but some psychoanalysts believe that memory is not just a means or a tool that a person uses, but it is the main driver of a person, and what makes a personHe desires something or even imagines that an option is best for logical reasons, not logic, but it is the effect of a group of memories inherent in man from the early stages of childhood.But life does not use complex philosophical terms or poetic rhetoric, but rather provides us with direct and very harsh answer.

French writer and director Florian Ziller witnessed the answer to life about the memory question in the form of his grandfather's dementia, which inspired him to write and direct a play in which he presents to us what it means that a person loses control of his memory;What this means to him as a human being and for those around him, his children who take care of him and his relatives who care about his command.The success of the play was in addition to the importance and depth of the experience for Ziller, two main motives for cooperation with Christopher Hampton, as the two turned this play into one of the best films that were shown last year, which is the father's movie.

The film presents the story of "Anthony" the old father, and "Anthony" here is the name of Anthony Hopkins, and the choice of Anthony's name for the film's hero was a deliberate choice from the director "Florian Ziller", in a sign of respect and courtesy of the great march of the actor"Anthony Hopkins".

"Anthony Hopkins"..Actor invades the author's imagination while writing

يقول المخرج "فلوريان زيلر" إنه أثناء كتابته للفيلم لم يتمكن من تخيّل أي شخص آخر لأداء دور البطولة غير "Anthony Hopkins"، بل إنه كان يأمل أن يكون اسم البطل عاملا مساعدا في محاولة إقناعه للانضمام إلى الفيلم، وكما هو الحال مع اسم البطل، فإن عمر "أنتوني" هو ذاته عمر "أنتوني هوبكنز" الحقيقي، وعمر "أنتوني" يحيلنا إلى مشكلة الفيلم الرئيسية التي ندركها مع الدقائق الأولى، وهي رفضه التصالح مع سنه.

The film begins with "Ann", which is played by the artist Olivia Coleman, and "Ann" represents the other side of what it means to get older, as the impact of the problems of age is not limited to a person only, but whoever takes care of him, of course, is often childrenExcept in cases of the father's attachment to the home of the elderly, which is what many people still see as not palatable even in Western societies.

بطل الفيلم "أنتوني هوبكنز" المُصاب بالخرف، والذي يرفض التصالح مع سِنّه

It is worth noting that "Olivia Coleman" played a high degree of mastery and quality that only exceeded the dazzling performance of "Anthony Hopkins", and "Ann" takes care of her father, "Anthony" with dementia, but he imposes her help and insists that he still has sufficient mental capabilities thatYou qualify him to take care of himself.

Battle of doubt..Sons' sacrifices in the chaos of dementia

The movie "Father" is characterized by the cohesion of its elements, which we can always understand in the form of two symmetrical sides. The first of these symmetry is the symmetry between the two film characters;Father and daughter.For this reason, we also note that the name of the movie was not simply "Anthony", because "Anthony" is not one individual, but it is a father.

We know since the beginning of the film that the father suffers from a problem with one of the diseases of aging, and we note that he is a lot of forgetfulness, but the characters are mixed with him, so he does not understand why a stranger sit in his home hall, while this person says that he is his daughter's husband, and he is already living in this house..

We see "Ann" telling her father that she will travel to Paris with a person who met her recently, then we see her deny that she told him that, but she lives in her home and takes care of it..What the film shows in the first half is "Anthony" who doubts the world around him, as he mentions a lot of things very clear, and he knows that he lives in his home alone, so when he finds a stranger in his home he claims to be the husband of his daughter, he is assumed that he is a liar.

"Anthony" continues to be suspicious of all those around him, but the main topic of this suspicion is his daughter "Ann", she is more than he communicates with him continuously, so she is, of course, the issue of the biggest doubt, as she tells him about things, then she claims that she did not happen or vice versa, but rather, but ratherSometimes "Anthony" finds another woman in his home claiming to be "Ann".

This is how "Ann" faces the problem of trying to take care of her father, who no longer trusts in it, which is one of the usual symptoms of aging diseases, which is the symptom that causes the greater amount of pain for those around the patient. The people closest to the patient - and they are his children in many cases - decide consciouslyThe sacrifice of many of the welfare of their lives, and even carries a lot of pressure and physical and material stress to take care of their father, but they do not expect that while they will do so, they will face suspicion and accusations by the father.

"Lura"..Great conversations and a serious charge

يعرض "زيلر" كثيرا من المشاهد البسيطة الدقيقة التي نفهم منها عمق العلاقة بين البنت ووالدها، فقد حضرت "Lura" لزيارة "أنتوني" في منزله كي تتعرف عليه وعلى المنزل، قبل أن تبدأ في تولي مهمة رعايته في غياب ابنته "آن".

يتحدث "أنتوني" إلى "Lura" بلباقة ورشاقة، ويقدم لها مشروبا، ويحدثها عن "آن" التي لا تشرب المشروبات الكحولية، على العكس من ابنته الأخرى، وفي هذه اللحظة -وبشكل سريع وربما غير ملحوظ- يصف "أنتوني" ابنته الأخرى بالمفضلة لديه، بينما تقف "آن" بالقرب منه.

"أنتوني" يتحدث إلى "Lura" بلباقة ورشاقة، قبل أن تبدأ لورا في تولي مهمة رعايته في غياب ابنته "آن"

في نهاية حديث "أنتوني" مع "Lura" يخبرها أنه اشترى منزله منذ وقت طويل، وأن ابنته تطمع في الحصول عليه، لهذا قررت الانتقال للعيش معه، تحت ستار أنها تحاول الاعتناء به، لأنه لا يمكنه الاعتناء بنفسه.

"What has changed in the shape of your hair?"..Sudden compliment

لا يكتفي "زيلر" بعرض المشكلة من جانب "أنتوني"، بل إنه يقدم أيضا مشاهد بسيطة تقدم فكرة عميقة عن رؤية "آن" لنفسها، حيث يقول لها متسائلا: "What has changed in the shape of your hair?".She replied to him, saying that she had not changed anything, asking about the reason for the question, to respond to "Anthony" that she looks very beautiful.

This dialogue took place in a transient while they were riding the elevator, but the overwhelming happiness that "Ann" felt was not passing through, and we can understand what the opinion of "Anthony" means to her..That is why the accusations of her father gain more weight than someone else imagines outside the family.

"آن" ووالدها "أنتوني" في المصعد، حيث سألها الوالد: "What has changed in the shape of your hair?"

You cannot bear this psychological burden, as we see her entering her father's room, while sleeping and then strangling him to death, but after this one moment we will know that she was imagining this, she was to bear pain that he could push her to kill, but she only has to continueTake care of her father.

"Anthony" man..The remains of a smart man separated from his reality

The second symmetry that the film shows is an angry that occurs within the same "Anthony", when we forget the relationship of the father and the girl, and we look at it as a human being, and "Ziller" expressed this point with one scene that divides the film into two symmetrical parts equal in almost length.

We note in the first half of the movie that "Anthony" realized the reality around him as an objective reality separate from him, and what this means is that his home is his home, this is a fixed fact, and as we note, "Anthony" is a character who is characterized or was characterized by sharp intelligence, so he trusts in his memory,And when what contradicts what is clearly mentioned about the world around him, he doubts something that happens, or that someone is manipulating it.

elderly home..A bomb explodes on the dining table twice

"Anthony" remains his confidence in himself that is only a little shaking, even the central scene in the middle of the movie, which is the dinner scene in which "Ann" prepares food for her husband and her father.

"Ziller" offers a circular sequence in this connected scene, which lasts for more than five continuous minutes, the scene begins with "Anthony" going to the dining room, but before entering the room and through the door he surreptitiously ears to his daughter's husband, and he tries to persuade her to catch "Anthony"With a house for the elderly, but it swallows the shock and enters the room, then sits at the table to eat dinner with" Ann "and her husband, and when she leaves them to attend the food, the dialogue between" Anthony "and the husband of his daughter who speaks to him explicitly intensifies that he causes a lot of suffering.

Anne returns after that, but under the influence of the shock, Anthony wants to evacuate himself a little, so he claims a fake reason to go to the kitchen, and when he returns and before entering the room and through the door;He surreptitiously ears to his daughter's husband as he tries to persuade her to join "Anthony" in a home for the elderly.This was not a mistake in writing, but it did not happen exactly, as "Ziller" used a sequence from the viewer ending as it started exactly, and at this moment "Anthony" realizes that the problem is not in reality around him, but the problem within him.

Tears of collapse..The beginning of the bare confrontation with the self

After the dining table scene, we notice that everything changes in the film, so "Anthony" in itself is completely collapsing, but that filming the movie itself differs, as the camera moves outside the room where the events take place, and the image is transferred to us through the open doors, as if "Anthony"He became aware that he lives in a different reality from the reality in which the events take place around him.

نشاهد حالة "أنتوني" الذي قام بمحادثة شديدة الرشاقة والثقة مع "Lura" من قبل وهي تنهار تماما، وينتابه الخوف أثناء التواصل مع الجميع، ويستمر النصف الثاني من الفيلم وهو يعرض "أنتوني" مرتبكا غير مدرك كيف يجب أن يكون رد فعله على أي موقف أو محادثة، لأنه ببساطة غير واثق في أن ما حدث أو من يحدثه هو نفس الشخص الذي يرى "أنتوني" أنه هو، ومع زيادة العبء النفسي نشاهده يبدأ في البكاء في الكثير من الأحيان.

Throwing awareness..When death approaches the fearful child

A person begins his life as a child who has nothing, but the innocence of children makes them come to experience and communicate with others, as it makes them unaware of the size of their weakness, nor the extent of the damage that may fall on him, and even when they realize their degree of weakness, they ask for help those around them not to realize whatIt can be involved in the intentions of others.

"أنتوني" يبكي كالطفل الخائف، فهو يشعر بأنه يقترب من الموت

"Anthony" seemed to the end of the movie as a fearful child, to the point of seeking help from his mother as the children speak exactly, but - unlike the children who realize their weakness in front of the material world - he has experience, which makes him realize that the world's problems are not in the fall from a high rise, for example, butIn communicating with others, or as "Sartre" says that "hell is also", which we see clearly on the face of "Anthony" and his fearful body language, and despite the inability of "Anthony" to understand exactly what is happening, he feels that he is approaching fromthe death.

Another fragile face for the old man..The conclusion of a great actor

"Anthony" lived a long life, and we can understand from his personality that he is tactful and intelligent, and of course he spent a successful life, but his adherence to this life prevented him from realizing the idea of death, so we find him expressing his feelings that he feels, as if it is a tree about to fall off its leaves.

"Anthony Hopkins" performed an unusual performance from him, as we used to him in male roles in which he appears as a strong person controlling matters, and he has a lot of male pride and confidence in his intelligence, but in this film he gave us another aspect that reveals himself and his weakness, and onAlthough "Ziller" wrote the play and then the film, expressing a personal experience that he himself went through, the wonderful performance of "Anthony Hopkins" may indicate that he himself passes through these ideas and concerns.

The eighty -three -year -old "Hopkins" exceeded himself, and he presented one of his greatest roles throughout his artistic career.