“Cyber violence”. When the Social Media becomes an enemy of women in public office.
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Mona Abu Hammour
AMMAN- Despite the real achievements that women have reached as an essential partner in the renaissance of Jordan, they are still facing in leadership positions "political violence" represented in an electronic war directed against them often against them by many times..Social media has become a new weapon that some people define in the face of women in leadership sites and in decision -making centers in an attempt to reduce their ability and their ability to take these positions and the size of the responsibilities assigned to them, which makes them facing a major challenge for a category whose goal is only to defame and reduce them.Many neglect that these women who receive sharp electronic criticism often affect their personal lives, reputation and even their forms, in an attempt to restrict them and push them to withdraw from their work, as if these roles in their opinion were created for men only.Sociologist Dr. Fadia Al -Ibrahimi, in turn, indicates that women are exposed to many of the challenges they face in her life at the level of work and the stages of her development and in building itself.Perhaps the electronic blackmail, according to Brahimi, is one of the most thorny issues that have become difficult and put in front of a dangerous turn that may be a cause of their retreat or their frustration with the completion of the march of her success in society.Recently, social media, according to Brahimi, tried to weaken the role of women and limit their importance to many issues, and limit them to the narrow view that dedicates its function in purely material frameworks that do not deviate from the pattern of form and image and perhaps its presentation as a fat advertising material and overlooking its content or content that leads toPut it out.Al -Ibrahimi says, “The matter was not limited to this, but rather went to launch various methods of bullying that include sharp criticism of it for its rejection of some laws that target its independence or those that constitute an obstacle to its rights..According to Ibrahimi, women are exposed to voices that criticize their participation in political action or diplomatic representation, whether by ridicule and scathing criticism.And on the women working in political positions, and whether they face them more than men on social media, the “Raed” study indicated that 35.1 % of women have a large degree, compared to 26.8 % saw that this is tangible, while it saw 17.3 % that this is not related to sex but to performance and saw 9.9 % of them are that men and women face the same level of bullying.The escalation of bullying levels in any country indicates the escalation of the level of intolerance and extremism towards the gender, and the lack of dealing with the stages of change and development achieved by women in the march of their struggle to obtain their rights at the level of the Arab region and the Middle East according to Brahimi.In addition, the images of electronic extortion according to Brahimi reach their peak in distorting the reputation or threat to storm the personal life of a woman, and publish her personal content from films and film materials, exposing them to violence and placing them under the guillotine of criticism and absolute judgment.Ibrahimi calls on the concerned authorities to put an end to the exotic behaviors that target women and negatively affect the march of their progress and success by activating deterrent laws and means of protecting them from blackmail, targeting and providing safe ways to strengthen their role in society.The lawyer and executive director of the legal network of Arab women, Samah Marmish, confirms that the electronic warfare to which women who reach the leadership sites are exposed to clear, specifically when this matter affects the social status of women to try to break it, which is very hindered in her career..She pointed out that women in leadership sites do not have the same strength in dealing with electronic bullying, some of them face this strongly and can overcome it, while others are affected socially, psychologically, professional, and in many cases they give up the site.Marish attributes this electronic war to the community's lack of acceptance of the real role of women, as beliefs are still stereotypes and giving positions to women sometimes to improve the international image and the outside world and not believing in the importance of their role and their presence in decision -making centers.Marmish finds that the political empowerment of women is a pivotal point for entering leadership positions, as well as the community empowerment of women by her family and believing in her influential and large role, which helps her to confront electronic bullying and gives her psychological support.A study conducted by the Center for Life, Raad, showed that 87.2 % of political activists believe that "an ethical document must be approved that governs the work of social media users, and that 60.4 % of them felt harmful to electronic bullying, compared to 42 % of them who were exposed to electronic bullying during their periods of use of these means..The chair of the National Committee for Women Affairs, Salma Al -Nams, notes that social media has opened the way to the idea of attack, bullying and criticism of women and men in leadership positions, but the real problem when criticism becomes clear on women without others.Al -Nasir notes that the concept of women in the public space is still rejected, and there are those who see that the position that is seen as a public state is mainly limited to men, which increases the opportunities for bullying on women in leadership sites.On the other hand, the Mongoose sees this type of violence directed at a leadership woman in an attempt to push women to get out of the public space to return to the private space, pointing out that the social media that gives them to ignore the twisting personalities helps them to make it easier and continue with it.A study conducted by the Al -Hayat Center “Raed” in partnership with the Parliamentary Women’s Committee and with the support of the Canadian embassy in Amman revealed “73 belief.8 % of females are more likely to bullied electronic, while 54 answered.7 % of them are that the males are the ones who are bullying for 17.6 % are females and 27.6 % said they do not know who is bullying.There is another type of bullying on a woman in the public space, according to the mongoose, when it affects her reputation or comment on her shape and the way of her dress, all methods not only affect her, but also on her image in front of her family, and thus they find this method that pushes her outside the public space to return toSpecial space.And the mongoose believes that enabling women to reach leadership positions without enabling them in other aspects, which hinders her career, indicated on the stereotype that believes that a man is born in a leader, while women must work twice the work of men and twice his production to consider that she is efficient and deserves the site that imitates him.With regard to the prevailing system through which women are governed by social media, the community’s view of the stereotype of women has topped this by 40.7 % followed by the system of customs and traditions by 35.6 % followed by the general ethics system by 15.8 %, followed by the religion system by 7.9 %, according to a study conducted by the Al -Hayat Center “Raid”.The tissue regrets that every mistake is calculated on the woman in the general position, then it is generalized to the image.With regard to the impact of political violence against women in the public space, which is considered one of the electronic violence, it requires women self -confidence and building skills and the ability to deal so that they can face this psychological electronic war, despite its consequences and effects..Also required by women, to develop their skills in dealing with electronic platforms to close the door for those who want to distort their reputation and to resort to the law and that their social networks be protected and based on positive and supportive relationships not only on the family level but also the psychological.Al -Nasir advises women to surround themselves with a set of relationships and women supporting, and that the media and feminist institutions stand beside them to support and support them to continue, whatever the electronic warfare that is exposed to fierce and strong..
10:02 م2022-03-07 شاركها فيسبوك تويتر لينكدإن واتسابعبر البريد طباعة