Egypt imported cars, their parts and spare parts at a value of $5.9 billion in 2019
The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics revealed that the value of Egypt's import bill of cars, their parts and spare parts during 2019 amounted to about $5.872 billion, while it was recorded in December about $636 million.
The Foreign Trade Bulletin issued by the agency, of which Amwal Al Ghad obtained a copy, indicated a decrease in the value of passenger car imports during the past year, amounting to about $2.492 billion, a decline of 6.6% from its value in 2018, which amounted to about $2.67 billion.
The value of Egypt's imports of other cars amounted to about $1.178 billion in 2019, and the value of imports of spare parts and parts for means of transportation amounted to about $2.164 billion.
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The value of the import bill for buses, microbuses, minibuses and complete units increased to reach $201.103 million over the past year, compared to $121.387 million in 2018, a growth of 65.7%, as well as imports of external tires and internal tubes for means of transport by 1.2%, to record $576.347 million, compared to $569.225 million in the previous year. 2018.
The value of Egypt's imports of cargo vehicles increased during 2019 to reach $411.87 million, compared to $359.661 million in 2018, a growth of 14.5%, as well as tractors and complete units, to reach $318.021 million, compared to $232.462 million, a growth of 36.8%.
The value of Egypt's imports of automobiles for private use decreased to about $137.516 million during the last year, compared to $158.805 million in 2018, a decline of 13.4%.
The value of imports of auto parts decreased by 15.9%, to reach $866.235 million in 2019, compared to $1.03 billion in 2018.