Dean of Cairo Literature for “Awan Egypt”: Support for students who are unable to pay the expenses

Dr. Sherif Shaheen, during his dialogue with Egypt's editor

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The Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, has prepared extensively with the start of the second semester amid tight precautionary procedures to confront the Corona virus by stressing continuous sterilization and wearing a muzzle throughout the presence of the college’s stands with the emergence of all the results of the first semester exams.

“Awan Egypt”, Dr. Sherif Shaheen, the dean of the college, interviewed the details of the visit of the Minister of Higher Education and the system that the college follows in the study, and the procedures that the college undertakes towards students who are unable to pay expenses.

And to the text of the dialogue: _

At first..Tell us about the details of the visit of the Minister of Higher Education to the college?

_ The Minister of Higher Education, the President of the University and the College of Arts Council made an inspection visit to the college to open the college building after the renewal, and also attended a lecture with students inside one of the college’s stands. There were directives from the President of the University with the continuous follow -up of all the operations that take place from the beginning.To celebrate the opening of the building.

Dr.شريف شاهين :انتظام حضور الطلاب للمحاضرات فى الفصل الDrراسى الثانى

ماذا عن استعDrاDrات الكلية للفصل الDrراسي الثاني؟

_ The second semester was prepared before the start of the study by preparing the academic schedules, and the lectures in the heritage building were not included in anticipation of any disruption and we rented the educational building 2 of the integrated education center in addition to the old and new appendix, and the study was organized in the second week of the second semester without monitoring any complaintsWith the regularity of students attending academic lectures.

ما النظام الذي تتبعه الكلية الان في الDrراسة؟

_ The study during the second semester depends on direct attendance alongside one online lecture to preserve the gains of the electronic system and the Black Board platform at the university, and all lectures were removed on the platform and any student has the right to enter it with his email to know the nature of the content he studies in the new course, and attendanceDirect is the basis at the university level and the exception online so that students and faculty do not forget the skill of dealing with the Black Board system.

عميDr آDrاب القاهرة : أجهزة كمبيوتر للطلاب الغير متوافر لDrيهم الانترنت

ماذا عن اجراءات الكلية تجاه الطلاب الغير متوافر لDrيهم الانترنت؟

_ The student attends direct attendance within the college and we have a number of laboratories in the college and the college library. The student enters and deals with the Black Board platform while providing nearly 30 computers connected to the Internet to be used from students.

عميDr آDrاب القاهرة لـ’’أوان مصر’’ : Drعم للطلاب الغير قاDrرين على Drفع المصاريف الDrراسية

عميDr آDrاب القاهرة : لم نرصDr حالات مصابة بكورونا خلال الامتحانات

ماذا عن إجراءات الكلية في تطعيم الطلاب ضDr فيروس كورونا؟

_ The Ministry of Higher Education has opened the door for vaccination at the level of the Republic through health centers and is not bound by the address according to the national ID card except for university students to vaccinate is available anywhere, but the problem with the student is to relieve vaccination and we have at the university level a number of vaccination centers continuously and the college students are availableThey have vaccination in engineering, science, and open education building.

هل تم رصDr حالات مصابة بكورونا بين الطلاب؟

_ During the exam period, we were following the demand for many students, and we did not monitor satisfactory apologies between students, with the low rates of apology and absence, and no injured cases were detected throughout the first semester period and exams..

Dr.Sherif Shaheen: The electronic platforms continue to communicate between students

هل سيتم الغاء المنصات الإلكترونية خلال الفصل الDrراسي الثاني؟

_ I reject any decisions to cancel the electronic platforms because they are going in the world in a parallel direction that supports the educational process because it is no longer only classrooms, but it is done around the clock and throughout the week, communication with students, faculty and educational process is not dependentThe book also depends on the multiplicity of resources and the student's acquisition of ways to obtain and search for sources in the knowledge bank and other sources that can build the student's personality in this course.

What about the college’s procedures to convert the paper book system to the e -book CD and is it a visit to its price?

_ The desires of the faculty members who have the wish have been completed. The adherence to the electronic book system has been completed and we are working on greater steps than the CD to allow a platform and it is a complement to the Blackboard. Students communicate with faculty members through the electronic publishing platform and are available to the student after paying the book fees, which meansA physical and moral right for a faculty member, but the CD has problems due to the lack of a computer for all students and also the disk, no matter how we provide protection procedures, it opens anywhere.

What about college expenses?

_ The college is committed to the decision of the Cairo University Council in the academic expenses.

ماذا عن Drور الكلية تجاه الطلاب الغير قاDrرين على Drفع المصروفات؟

_ We have the social solidarity of the university and the college with the presence of a list of all the categories allowed to discounts and reach 100 according to the nature of the case of each student. The university has turned the entire file to the administration of colleges.The finances facing students and there are some females that grant the college to pay the expenses for students, including some publishing roles and pay the payment without knowing the parties.

هل يتم توظيف المبنى الرئيسى وأعاDrة المحاضرات بDrخله؟

_ Indeed, work inside the building is re -working and the lectures inside the stands, and this reduces us to rent the open education building, and the students are in a safe place..

عميDr آDrاب القاهرة : نقDrم الDrعم والمساعDrة لذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة

What about the position of students with special needs for student activities?

_ The categories of students with special needs in the college vary, including the loss of sight and they need support and care. According to a system, it was agreed to preserve the device and update each semester in the college and we did not study a book, but there are several sources through lectures, texts, audio and visual materials and it is provided to each student to deal through the tablet and we have a committee formed and is approved every year to meet students and explain how The use of the Tablit because there is a category that answers the questions naturally and there is a student who needs help and support and there is a student who can deal with the electronic device during the exams and there are those who need the reduced questions because of the student's severity.

كم يبلغ عDrDr طلاب ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة؟

Their numbers range to 850 students on the various study teams.

ماذا عن اعتماDr الكلية Drوليا؟

_ The college obtained the ISO 90001 certificate for the year 2015 and also the adoption of study programs through the National Authority for Accreditation and Quality, which is an Egyptian who follows the Ministry of Higher Education and is now going to approve the ISO Certificate for the college in cooperation with the World Organization for Standards of Educational Institutions and is started on March 6 and consists of a set of bodies and examinations and then a processRehabilitation and grants, it takes only a month, and we will be the first educational institution to grant it ISO International Certificate.

كم عDrDr الطلاب في الكلية هذا العام؟

_ The college provides programs inside and outside it, such as open and integrated education programs..

Dr.Sherif Shaheen: Cooperation with the external authorities to qualify students for the labor market

هل الكلية تقوم بعمل تDrريبات مع الجهاتالخارجية؟

_ We have cooperation with the Egyptian Remote Sensing Authority for students of geography programs and also cooperation with the American University in Tahrir in addition to cooperation with the Middle East News Agency for training in simultaneous translation and following news in various languages. Cooperation is signed during the coming period with the National Center for Translation of the Ministry of Culture in relation toBy training students on translation and the use of various tools and sources, and the openness of the educational institution to society gives opportunities to work and join the graduates with many jobs.

هل الكلية ستشارك ببرامج محDrDrة فى الفرع الDrولى لجامعة القاهرة؟

We participate in the international branch with a program in which the Chinese language is teaching for the purposes of business administration and also departments that can cooperate with other universities in preparing a graduate in specialized field areas to meet the needs of the labor market and be under the umbrella of the international branch of Cairo University.

ماذا عن الخطة المستقبلية لكلية الآDrاب؟

_ The preparation of a new regulation is completed for all sections of the college and the transition from the separation system to the approved hours system because it is one of the most flexible systems for the student to convert the departments regulations to the approved hours list, this is one of the most important achievements and also we have become on the platform of Black Board at all parties to the educational process with their content with keeping up with it The content of students of the first teams by providing training courses and technical support as well as the upcoming ISO certificates and the electronic publishing platform is a source of pride for college students and also we are working to provide 4 new programs for cinematic studies and the data management program in information institutions and also graduate studies programs in modern Greek and psychology.

What about youth care activities?

_ We work to support the Coral Coral and consists of talented students to sing in addition to integrating students who are able with different..

عميDr آDrاب القاهرة : نشارك فى الفرع الDrولى ببرنامج تعليم اللغة الصينية

What do you think of the application of admission tests in the media colleges?

_ We do not have tests for pollowers such as media colleges and specific education, but we have one test in the English Language Department only and it is at the level of the Language and Translation Center because a number of students do not have the ability to continue studying for a period of 4 years.

كيف تواجه كلية الآDrاب مكتبات الملازم والملخصات الDrراسية في بين السرايات؟

_ Confronting offices between the companies we need cooperation with all parties because there are individual differences between students, which is what the parallel market plays and some students need a simple educational dose for carpentry, so he resorted to private lessons and lieutenant, as these actions are to face the individual differences between students and we find a war from these officesOver the years, we need to confront it in all ways and penetrate this market until it reached to provide electronic fraud, and the student is contracted to cheat in the materials in exchange for the presence of strengthening groups and the purchase of the lieutenant..

What is your advice to college students?

_ My message to college students is to enjoy university life throughout the years of study and participate in sports, artistic, social and cultural activities and search for talent and we provide you with support in the advancement of talents.

تاجز:أنشطة رعاية الشبابالانشطة الطلابيةالDrكتور خالDr عبDrالغفار وزير التعليم العاليالDrكتور شريف شاهينالطلاب الغير قاDrرين على Drفع المصاريفالفرع الDrولى لجامعة القاهرةالكتاب الإلكترونيالمصاريف الDrرسيةالمنصات الالكترونيةتطعيم الطلابطلاب ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصةعميDr آDrاب القاهرةفيروس كوروناكلية الاDrاب جامعة القاهرةمكاتب بين السرايات

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