Can it really be good to get angry?
Large parts of our planet live in a relatively peace and good age.
Statistical data collected by the United Nations, the World Trade Organization and various governments around the world indicate a decrease in the poverty rate in many countries, and the rise of the average life expectancy.
It also indicates that most of those living in developed countries are considered safer and indispensable than ever in the history of mankind.
So why do many people look very angry all the time?
We hear many stories of road drivers' wrath on road.
We sometimes hear news about politicians who have lost their calmness and balance.
So we may not do if we think that our planet lives in constant anger.
The British journalist and author, Oliver Burkeman, who always writes on how to achieve happiness, decided to change the path and write about anger as a matter of change.
So why do we get angry?What is our anger?Perhaps the most important thing is, is anger something bad?
Let's go back to the past, what drives someone to get angry with someone else?
"Anger is a very complex system," says Professor Aaron, Professor of Psychology and Criminology at Heidelberg University in Ohio, in the United States of America..
"In a more exciting phrase, it controls the mind, and a way to enter another person's head and make it more. It is the way of conflicts with others by changing their opinion.".
Professor Sil describes how an important part of this "control of the mind" comes from the "angry face" of the human being, which appears: sophisticated eyebrows and the enlargement of the face of the face as a result of the jaws dishes on each other and the expansion of the nasal openings.
He adds, "All these changes that anger makes on your face make you look more powerful.".
According to Professor Sil, scientists have been able to prove that the "angry face" is inherited, and not learning, because "the faces of the blind children seem natural and not angry".
So how did the "angry face" gave our ancestors the upper hand over others?
You may think that our ancestors who were not angry and did not enter into a fight, lived for a period longer than those who were angry and entered into quarrels, but this did not happen.
"What happened is that people who have anger outperformed those who have not been angry," says Professor Sil..
They did this by bargaining for a better treatment and profitable a battle of conflict of interests.
"In the past, people who were not angry were exploited, as people stole from them and treat them badly, and as a result, we see them disappeared," he said..
As for the people who survived, those who threatened not to cooperate, and reminded others of all the good things they did, and this made people repeat their account in their dealings with them and they became more gratitude to them and this treated them better..
Professor Sil says that anger gave these people an evolutionary advantage.
Teenage taps, from the presentation of a dignity as a vehicle and prepared by Mays Baqi.
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To understand anger, we need to think about what he does for us physiologically, and how to make us act and think, or with more accurate expression, how it makes us not think.
The head of the Wisconsin Psychology Program is taking place in the United States of America, Professor Ryan Martin, and it also provides a radio program called "The Reg" broadcasts through the "Pod Cast" service..
"When you get angry, your sympathetic nervous system begins, the part responsible for the fight or escape, by working, increases your heart rate, increases your breathing rate, begins sweating and slowing the work of your digestive system," the professor says..
This body's physiological reaction aims to stimulate you to respond to any injustice you feel, while the brain continues to do its work.
"We also know that when people feel injustice or danger, their ideas tend to be somewhat closed, they focus more on staying alive or revenge," said Professor Martin..
So you do not want to think about other things if you are trying to respond to this injustice, and this is part of the development as well.
4. لماذايمكن للحياة العصرية أنتشعلغضبنا؟
Ostensibly, most people, in the developed world in particular, seem to have less anxiety than their ancestors, why if modern life raises a lot of anger?
Professor Martin says that it is very simple, "People in developed societies are more preoccupied, and the requirements of their lives have increased, and therefore the consequences of a feeling of slowdown in life have become much worse now.".
For example, if we have to wait for the supermarket or stay waiting on the phone when calling the electricity company, then we quickly feel angry, because we have no time to waste it.
He adds that the things that make us feel unable and could be avoided, make us angry.
Therefore, the way we developed to feel angry and then the reaction "does not always work well in the advanced environment"
Obviously, harm the person who angered us is not useful or fruitful, so we need to find other ways to control and organize our anger..
Maya Tamer, a professor of psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, says, "Maya Tamer," says Maya Tamer. We have the ability to control anger than we think.
"Emotions are not necessarily a product of development, they are tools that we learn and develop, change them and cultivate them in our souls in very creative ways.".
Tamer's research has shown how anger does not always need an aggression.
"If emotions form and learn as well as being simply inherited," emotions like anger do not necessarily have a steady effect and behavior. ".
She adds, "We are not like the blood that the threads and anger driven do not make us aggressive without any control on our part.".
Anger can make sparks fly from our eyes, and it can make us physically or verbally assault on others or even in our Twitter tweets.
If those who need to preserve their strength and status feel angry, this may lead to severe consequences and even war.
But psychologists also say that it can make our minds focus, and gives us the energy needed to take the necessary to those who have sinned against us.
The philosopher and psychotherapist, Mark Vernon, explains how the ancients believed in the era of Plato and Aristotle that there is something called "benign anger".
They felt that the person who is angry may be good, if he transformed the energy of anger in a fruitful way while anger.
Consequently, anger "can inspire someone to be brave or may inspire him to collect good arguments that may make his case fair.".
Here we reach the result, that anger is not completely bad.
What we need only is the practice of controlling these strong and non -practical feelings and directing them effectively, so that we do not end up in an endless cycle of sadness and aggression.