Calculating the date of birth .. the 4 most famous methods of reliable ways
Calculating the date of birth is one of the most concerned about the mind of a pregnant woman. Many want to determine the appointment of accurate or approximate birth so that she is psychologically and physically ready to receive her child, and each doctor has his own way of calculating the date of birth.
The birth date is usually calculated in different ways, such as calculating the first day in the last menstrual cycle, or using the "Naegele's Rule" base, or through the so -called pregnancy wheel, or ultrasound, these methods and others help the mother to reach a dateMy appreciation for the date of her birth and her child safely to the world.
Calculate the date of birth in sexual intercourse
If your menstrual cycle is regular, the date of your birth can be calculated by ovulation and the date of sexual intercourse, which can be calculated about two weeks after your monthly cycle, so the date of ovulation (ovulation) can be considered the date of pregnancy.
However, the time specified is not always known. After launching the egg, it can remain fertile for up to 24 hours, and sperm can last for up to 5 days after sexual intercourse to fertilize the egg.
But if your menstrual period is irregular or not sure from the date of its beginning, the ultrasound will help determine the development of the fetus and calculate the date of your birth.Wave tests can be performed at any stage of pregnancy after the first six weeks, and it is considered the best timing of the examination between 8 weeks and 13 weeks.
The effect of genetic factors on the birth date calculation
ونشر موقع "إيمز" (Aims) البريطاني مدى تأثير العوامل الوراثية في حساب موعد الولادة، فهناك بعض الأمهات اللاتي يحملن لمدة أطول من المتوسط ، والبعض الآخر يكون حملهن أقصر من متوسط الوقت المعتاد، حيث حددت الأبحاث الحديثة العديد من الجينات المرتبطة بطول فترة الحمل واحتمالية الولادة المبكرة عند البعض.
In a study conducted in Norway on the parents whose birth statements were available, the study showed that the parents who were born late for their date were given two days late for their peers who were born to parents who were born in the 37th week, according to the study..
As for mothers, the effect was more clear, as women who were born 42 weeks after their children - on average - after 4 days of women who were born after 37 weeks;The results of this study indicate that if you know the number of pregnancy weeks in which you and your child's father were born, they can give you an idea of whether it is likely that your pregnancy is a little longer or shorter than the average.
Calculate the age of pregnancy and the date of birth
It also indicates that half of your chance to get a longer pregnancy is due to genetic genes, so if your mother or sister has been pregnant for a longer period than average, you are more likely to do so as well.Likewise, if you have a longer pregnancy before, there is a greater possibility that any other pregnancy will be the same length.
All this means that the longer pregnancy may be normal for some mothers, and that their children need a little longer than others to prepare for the outside world.
According to the Ims website, there is a link between sweat and genetic factors, and therefore it is expected that the usual length of pregnancy will also differ according to the ethnic origins;For example, it appears that women of black or Asian ethnic origin are slightly shorter than the white origins.Nevertheless, there will be a wide range of pregnancy lengths within any one ethnic group, in addition to a great overlap between different groups.
Calculate the date of birth in twins
It often takes place early in the event of a twin pregnancy, no later than 38 weeks or two weeks before the normal delivery date.Birth may be early for various other reasons, such as the placenta, attached to 3 twins, or the presence of previous surgeries in the womb, all of the caesarean deliveries early, according to what was published on the "Baby Med" website (Baby Med).
And when the pregnancy is in the twins of fertilization in the laboratory, the birth date can be calculated from the date of the transfer of the embryos to the mother's womb.
Calculate the date of the birth of IVF
The IVF date account is more accurate and easier than estimating the natural delivery date account, because you know the exact date to transfer your fetus.
Most of the embryo transplants in IVF microscopic injection operations take place after 3 or 5 days of pulling eggs and fertilization, and the date of birth can be calculated in a simple way, if the embryos are transferred on the third day, you can add 263 days to know the date of birth,If it is done on the fifth day, add 261 days.
Nayal's way to calculate the date of birth
This method was named after the German obstetrician Franz Karl Nayel, who invented this rule in calculating the date of birth.
And you can use the Nayel method if your menstrual period is 28 days, which is a simple calculation, by adding 7 days to the first day of the menstrual cycle and then putting 3 months on it..
For example, if the date of your monthly course is the first of November 2021, add 7 days (to become the eighth date of November), then suggest 3 months (i.e. August 8), then change the year if necessaryThe matter, so that the date of birth is the eighth of August 2022.
Calculate the date of birth using the pregnancy wheel
The other way to calculate the date of your birth is to use the wheel of pregnancy, which is the way most doctors use. It is easy to estimate the date of your birth if you have access to the wheel of pregnancy.
The first step is to determine the date of the menstrual cycle on the wheel, and when this date lined up with the index, the wheel exposes the date of birth, which is ultimately appreciated.
For some women who have an irregular course or longer than the average regular cycle (28 days), in this case it is still possible to use pregnancy wheel accounts, but some simple calculations are required to make.
The second half of the woman's menstrual cycle always lasts for 14 days, this is the time of ovulation to the next menstrual period, and if your session is for 35 days, for example, it is possible that ovulation is 21.
By setting the date of ovulation (ovulation), you can calculate the birth date using the wheel of pregnancy. For example, if your menstrual cycle extends to 35 days, and the first day of the session corresponds to the first of November, add 21 days (November 22)Then I am 1 days from this date (i.e. November 8).
After calculating the date of the modified menstrual cycle, you only need to specify it on the wheel of pregnancy, then take a look at the date that intersects in the line, to become the estimated date of birth..
Sometimes some pregnancy wheels allow you to enter the date of pregnancy, instead of the date of the menstrual cycle.
Ultrasound maternity calculation
Even if you are not able to determine the date of sexual intercourse, or you forgot the last day of the last menstrual period for you, or if you are not sure of the ovulation date, the other evidence you and your doctor can help you at the expense of the date of birth using early ultrasound examination that can determine the dateThe occurrence of pregnancy more accurately.
However, some women do not get an ultrasound examination early, although some doctors perform these tests routinely throughout the period of pregnancy, some of them recommend it only once if your menstrual cycle is irregular, or if you are 35Year or more, or you have a date of miscarriage or pregnancy complications, or it is not possible to specify the date of birth based on the physical examination and the period of menstruation.
Calculate the date of birth in the month
During the first three months of pregnancy, the audio wave measurement provides more accurate estimate of the child's age, and the calculation of the date of birth using the ultrasound examination is less accurate in the second trimester of pregnancy, and its accuracy is more accurate in the last third of the pregnancy.
Ultrasound repetition provides valuable information about the fetus’s growth, and you and your doctor may reassure you that the change at the date of birth is at the reasonable limits..
The reason behind the accuracy of ultrasound measurements in the early stages of pregnancy is that the embryos tend to grow in the first few weeks at the same rate, and with the progress of pregnancy the fetus growth rates begin to contrast from pregnancy to another.
This is not possible to use ultrasound measurements to predict the precision of the fetus in the late stages of pregnancy.
And if you have periodic examinations from ultrasound, each report will contain a new birth date based on the latest measurements, for this, the expected date of birth should not be changed based on the measurements taken from the ultrasound in the second or third third of the pregnancy that helps inDetermine whether the fetus is growing well.
Caesative delivery date
In some cases of pregnancy, the doctor avoids the mother's arrival to the symptoms of normal childbirth, to be subject to what is called a cesarean delivery, for reasons that are previously evaluated throughout the follow -up period..
The Caesarean delivery date relies on the experience of the attending physician, so that it is an appropriate date for the condition of both the mother and the fetus, and the doctor may rely on ultrasound tests and the results of some of the necessary analyzes in making a right decision regarding the determination of the date of caesarean section.