Beware .. This type of food causes addiction just like cigarettes
Many people know that most of the highly treated foods are not healthy, but the goal of reducing them can be so difficult that the majority of these attempts fail.But the question: Why?
The Food, Addiction and Treatment Laboratory at the University of Michigan, USA, conducted an investigation into one factor that was largely ignored, which is "the possibility of ultra -addiction -treated foods".
Addicted to high -treated foods
"During my training at Yale University, it became clear to me that many people show classic addiction signs in their relationship with highly treated foods, things like: loss of consumption control, inabilityTo reduce foods in the face of negative consequences..
"So my colleagues and I have created a Yel meter for food addiction, it is a procedure that applies the standards of the American Psychiatry Association used to diagnose other addiction disorders to identify people who may be addicted to highly treated foods.".
Based on our current estimates, 15 % of Americans meet the dining addiction threshold, which is linked to diseases related to diet, obesity and low quality of life.
"It is clear from our research that people do not suffer addiction in all foods.Ultra -treated foods that contain high levels of fat and repeated carbohydrates such as sugar and white flour are the foods that people eat in a addict.
For example, chocolate, ice cream, fried potatoes, pizza and biscuits are some foods that people find more addictive.You will not find people who lose control when eating broccoli, beans and cucumber.
But can these highly treated foods be considered addictive?Or are people overwhelmed with something they love?To answer these questions, Ashley has moved to one of the last big debates in addiction, whether tobacco causes addiction.
The situation in which you can be addicted to tobacco
The idea that tobacco was causing addiction to a sharp dispute for decades.
Unlike drugs such as alcohol and opioids, tobacco products are not intoxicated and allow people to practice their daily lives while using them.Tobacco products also do not cause life withdrawal symptoms, unlike alcohol and opioids.
The largest global tobacco manufacturer has often highlighted the difference between tobacco and "classic" drugs that cause addiction.Increased doubts, if tobacco really causes addiction, can help them avoid blame for their industrial practices and blame consumers for their choice to continue smoking.
However, in 1988, the United States’s general surgeon officially identified tobacco products as addiction.This report contradicts directly with the position of major companies to sell the means of smoking, that tobacco consumption is the issue of consumer selection driven by taste and the sensation of their products..
The general surgeon has been based on the classification of tobacco products as addiction to its ability to stimulate strong incentives, despite the desire to take off.
The other evidence was the ability of tobacco products to provide high doses of nicotine quickly, which made them enhance in a way that users want to repeat behavior..
The criterion of the last addiction that tobacco achieved was its ability to change the mood, such as increasing pleasure and reducing negative feelings, because nicotine affects the brain.
Ultra -treated food and profit service
Ultra -treated foods meet the same criteria that have been used to set tobacco as it causes addiction.
Tobacco and ultra -treated foods change mood in a similar way by increasing the feeling of joy and reducing negative feelings.High levels of carbohydrates and refined fats in highly treated foods are strongly active..
Ultra -treated foods are very motivated, and they can form your behavior to make you return to more.
For example, teachers and parents use ultra -treated foods to reward children for good behavior to increase the possibility of children's continued behavior.In mice, researchers have repeatedly found that sweet taste is stronger than addiction drugs, such as cocaine.
Haply high failure rates of diets show that high -treated foods can lead to strong incentives, despite the desire to quit them..On the other hand, the food and treatment of the minimum such as fruits, vegetables and legumes do not meet these addiction standards.
The addictive nature of these highly treated foods undermines the free will of consumers and their health in the service of profits.However, there is an important difference between tobacco and highly treated foods, we all have to eat, and no one can withdraw.
Just as in the case of tobacco products, it is possible that the industry is likely to be organized to get rid of the popularity of highly treated foods and health problems.