Assad's contacts steal the Syrians with a new trick before the feast and wrap them with a suspicious statement

The Assad government invented a new plan to collect money from civilians in its areas of control, after it has mortgaged the country's capabilities to Russia and Iran.

Dozens of loyal pages, including "Tartous Al -Hadath" and "Lattakia News", said today, Friday, that the Communications Regulatory Authority stopped most of the 3G and 4G modem devices in its areas of control.

She explained that civilians were surprised by the surprising decision, as the provider of the cellular communication service stopped working on these devices, without knowing the reasons or any pre -warning.

In her turn, "Tartous News, moment, moment," drew that expectations indicate that the stopping is the result of the operations of the customs and the statement conducted by the Communications Regulatory Authority.

اتصالات أسد تسرق السوريين بحيلة جديدة قبيل العيد وتلتف عليهم بتصريح مريب

She pointed out that the owners of these devices should pay in exchange for restarting them, although they were working on the network for several years.

However, the Communications Regulatory Authority returned in a statement on its Facebook page to deny that it has stopped the modem devices operating through the MTN and Sretel service providers..

And she tried to cover up their wages in exchange for activating these devices by saying that the modem devices that worked on the network until the date of last March 18 do not require a permit wages, without clarifying the fate of the subsequent agencies of that date.

The modem devices were stopped by a popular wave of discontent among the pioneers of social media, especially since the move was surprising and without warning.

The suspension of the modem devices that most Syrians resorted to in light of the power outages for long hours in conjunction with the approach of Eid al -Adha, and the need for the parents to communicate with their children outside the country.

The Asad system recently raised the customs duties that it imposes in exchange for operating phones on its cellular networks, and also raised the prices of many commodities and basic products.