Google launched the first version of its device for broadcasting the multimedia content of Chrome Cast two years ago, and on the first anniversary of the launch of the device, Google published several numbers related to the device, as I mentioned that the users were ...
From time to time, the Hubble Telescope of the European Space (ISA) and the American (NASA) can take an exceptional picture of the deep universe, this time - on the ninth of August this time - the researchers of this telescope issued a serious picture ...
People usually watch YouTube videos for various reasons such as entertainment or learn a new skill, but most videos contain long introductions that may not be interested in them. For this, the application gives you the ability to present or ...
Dr..The sentences were dictated that another woman was possible in the status and conditions of Mina, the heroine of this story, to acquiesce to the law of society, and surrender to the rule of the high judiciary, so that she accepts the death of her husband unjustly, and lives in the confines of his family, where she marries against his will ...
The Infinix XOS operating system won the most influential smartphone operating system during the year 2020, because the system offers a variety of benefits to the user that meets all its needs and provides a distinguished performance experience in ...
A security source said that the trailer driver was injured and was transferred to the hospital and received treatment, and added that the identity of the trailer driver was identified and it was found that he was called "Farid Ali S", 45 years old, from ...
The session continued: Madi Al -Hajri - Sameh Abdel Hafeez - Rashid Al -Famim Sultan Al -Abdan - Badr Al -Suhail, despite the calm and smoothness that prevailed in the atmosphere of the regular National Assembly session yesterday, during which the interrogation of MP Hamdan Al -Azmi was discussed to the deputy ...
"A warning from the laptop before running out of the battery, in a place where you cannot recharge the device to complete your business", it is a very bad situation, and most of the owners of the laptops are often exposed to, so the laptop batteries will be on ...
Meta (formerly Facebook) jumped to an exciting stage of its plan to build "metaphors" or the new virtual world by detecting a magic glove. Meta revealed during a report broadcast by "Extra News, satellite channel, day ...
What are the positives of obtaining a third dose of the new Corona virus vaccine "Kovid-19"? What are the most needy cases of this dose? What are the negatives in return? What is the position of the World Health Organization? The answers in this comprehensive report.
Nine years ago, Hani Mahmoud owned a beautiful dream that the walls of his room have witnessed. One day he wrote on the wall, “I will have a library here”, and indeed the young man was able to fulfill his dream, not only that;Rather, this library has become greater than an area ...
The science fiction films were still a source of inspiration for many innovators, and we have discussed in the first part - from a previous article - some of these films that drew the features of inventions for new generations of inventors, and now in the second part ...
What is the difference between the way you attack the respiratory omecron dynasty and the way the Delta dynasty and other breeds of Corona virus attack it?And to how many people transmit the person with the infection of the infection of the infection?The answer ...
Our dependence on the Internet increased at home during the recent period due to the spread of the Corona virus and the follow -up of the home insulation policy, and this has increased parents' concern about maintaining the safety of their children via the Internet. Fortunately; ...
Share the news with your friends. Share the news. Realme, Chinese for mobile phones, announced yesterday the launch of Realme Pad, the first tablet/tablet/tablet of the company in the Egyptian market. The tablet comes in the form of two categories: the first category with a nest access memory ...