A special interview .. The scholar Mahmoud Shaker and the dialogue of falsehoods and names
Cairo - On August 7, 1997, the scholar, thinker and great writer Mahmoud Mohamed Shaker (born in 1909 in Alexandria northern Egypt) bid farewell to an important literary heritage and several books and books, and despite the lack of dialogues he had in his life, he agreed to conduct this dialogue on 5February 1994, then Abu Fahr closed his house and became very difficult to visit him or even check on him except through his son, Dr. Fahr Shaker.
This dialogue was not published before, until Al -Jazeera Net published it on this page in November 2020, and here we are republishing it now for its importance.
The late heritage scientist, Dr. Mahmoud Al -Tanahi, described it as "Rizk Aqel Al -Shafi’i, the genius of Hebron, the tongue of Ibn Hazm, and the courage of Ibn Taymiyyah..
The scholar Shaker said in our dialogue with him that he left his place in poetry to others, and he was busy examining heritage with the eyes of the heart, and considered that "our Arab country is afflicted with the consul of the occupier, the wages and traitors, from the criminal students and the sons of the traitor Yaqoub.".
This is in reference to the teacher Yaqoub or General Yaqoub, who collaborated with the French campaign that occupied Egypt led by Napoleon BonapartFor Egypt, and overthrow it in the wake of the 1919 revolution.
Mahmoud Shaker said that his book "The Virgo" is a distinguished experience in the history of contemporary Arab poetry, considering "the Orientalist apparatus is the advanced corporate of the colonial system and the preaching apparatus.".
He considered that "our nation is characterized by an integrated culture..Unlike the partial cultures that distinguish other nations, "he added," (Al -Mutanabbi) wrote on a unique approach, showing all the identification of all the known research curricula until 1935. ".
He said, "I am a single thing.And whoever does not want to know, I do not like to know me or know him.The Nobel Prize, because it is a calendar for me from the sons of my language, my religion and my affiliation..
I met him when I was afraid and turbulent, for the first time in my life and not for the last time, due to the many violent words I heard about him, and for his self -existence that exceeds all appreciation, and for the big time difference, it was a tall science before he was born with a third of a century, after a scientific journey of caliberHeavy.
In 1987, I listened to the second edition of his book "Al -Mutanabbi", which was published in an independent booklet entitled "A message on the way to our culture", and it became among the intellectuals as the introduction to Ibn Khaldun, and accordingly, the enlarged bureau, "Najwa Muhammadiyah", was attached to the poet of humanity, faithful Omar Bahaa Al -Din Al -AmiriAnd, which was the gift of the International Islamic Literature Association for Abu Fahr, and a messenger from the League went to his dwelling house in Heliopolis.
I entered, greeted, and kissed his hand despite him, then I sat down to him and this dialogue that filled the silence was 3 quarters, and the same words were inserted into less than a quarter, nothing more..
- May God reward you, my son..Who are you and what you want?
I introduced him to myself a brief definition, then I told him: This Diwan "Najwa Muhammadiyah", is the gift of the poet Ambassador Omar Bahaa Al -Din Al -Amiri, and the Association of Islamic Literature sent me to you, and by several other books, and I ask you to authorize a press dialogue, because it is an opportunity that may not be repeatedFor me.
– لا داعي للكلام.(Then silence!)
• The meeting started with the hadith of poetry, and I recalled the beginning of an old poem attributed to him, saying:
Remember my heart..It may harm your memory, Audi
I am a branch in Riad Al -Dahr, the thirst of Upper Egypt
The yields of the found, and I walked in my head
I walked a fire on the lights of floral and bodies
فRemember my heartIt may harm your memory, Audi
I am a branch like the sword imagination in the illusion
- Enough, enough.This poem was published in Al -Risala Magazine in 1940 (by referring to the magazine, it was found that it was published in the number 344 of the third year in 1940), and there are many poetry, but - for a long time - I no longer look at my poetry with appreciation, since I left my place in poetry to othersI was busy with what is more important and deeper..And the most useful.
- Literary and methodological lesson, examination of heritage with the eyes of the heart, and defending its prohibitions against thieves, bandits, colonial units, and consuls of occupier in our country affected by these traitors, wages, and humiliation, from those involved in the battle of "cultural preaching" and civilization workers.
- For a good and glorious group, led by Mahmoud Hassan Ismail.
- yes..There is a "virgin arc", and there is "my pioneer, wind", in which I say:
Stiff, winds in terms of whatever you want and pardon and effects
Wind, the winds of this clouds, until he turns at night, Sarara
And see, winds, on the forever
The young singer "Ali Al -Hajjar" recently sang it.
- Because such jobs will eat my time, and you may put on my way what does not convince me, or satisfy me.As for the membership of these linguistic councils, it is an appreciation and employment of my role and my stones, which I am always pleased to put in the service of my nation and my religion.
- Despite my obtaining the State Appreciation Award in 1981, and the King Faisal International Literature Award in 1984, and it is better for me than the Nobel Prize, because it is an appreciation of me from my religion, my language, my belongings, and it is beautiful that the book that nominated me to obtain this award was the book "Al -Mutanabbi" that I wrote and meAt the age of twenty -six years old in 1935, but my first estimate is that God guided me early to realize my role, and put me on the right path that I serve my religion, my language and my nation, and therefore I consider that every day I passed my life is a renewed appreciation for me, always chanting me.Sacrifice..You are right. ".
- yes، أؤمن بهذا كله أشد الإيمان، وأقدره أعظم التقدير، ولكن معظم جامعتنا اليوم تمارس الدجل والوهم باسم البحث العلمي، ومعظم درجاتها العلمية وألقابها البراقة ما هي إلا أردية وأغطية وأستار لجهل مطلق، ويسرني جدا مساعدة الباحثين الجادين الذين يرغبون في طلب العلم حقا.
And the secrets that I have in this are shameful and sad, and expose 5 full generations of huge titles and swollen names.
Palm and Asmar
- This is the view of the superficial fanatics, and the ignorant ignorant, because everything that was written in a convincing and acceptable manner is not rejected by a mind, but rather it is satisfied by all satisfaction.
Because no person can claim for himself that he is on something of culture, unless he sails in the culture of others, after he possesses their language, and their lives.But the collection of others and its digestion is something, and cultural slavery has something else!
As for what was written with water, seduction and temptation, which tried to knock it with Orientalism and colonial consuls, falsely and fading, there is nothing wrong with you to throw it in the "trash baskets", and what you have erected from falsehoods and names is nothing more than a drop of sea.
This is because the culture of every nation requires 3 basic elements, which are: faith, action and belonging, and it is a masked secret in every nation, and this is impossible for the oriental or surprising..According to him, the achievement of some superficial knowledge - no matter what I am ignorant of the research approach - and it will be bored with the tunes of sarcasm, but it is a "mirage" that the thirsts consider water, even if it comes to him, he did not find anything.
And I set an example for you: Did you see a man from non -English or German, for example.this is not possible.What makes this not possible, possible in our nation and our culture?!We are alone.
The Orientalism apparatus is the advanced corps of the colonial system and the preaching apparatus, which goes on to the road, and indicates them on the paths of nations and kingdoms, and it is responsible for inflating and exaggerating their roles, and selling them to our ignorance or our young dwarfs.
I am not prejudiced on Western culture, otherwise I would not find English, and when I read wide readings, my life started as a translator in the "excerpt", and I translated poems and effects of Aden Markham, Richard Laghene, Oscar Wilde, Robinson Jafr, and others, but I am prejudiced to the fragmented and forged cultureAnd the conspiracy with which its makers are criminals and carried by the hired, and the Day of Resurrection worsened a pregnancy.
And what this traitorous legion did with our nation and our culture needs men who deny the distortion of the expensive and the impersonation of the nullities, such as Louis Awad and Salama Moses, as a façade of a full generation of the sons of the strong Crusader and the invading civilization who extended under their feet of power, and the money is placed between their hands, to permit everything in the nation, withoutHaseeb or sergeant.
As Zuhair Shaker said in his presentation: This is not a meeting between two similar similar opinion, training or orientation. Rather, he is between two men on the opposite sides in terms of these three elements..
The first of them is a Coptic from an ancient family, money, politics and foreign culture, and is known for his close connections as Orientalism.
And the second: He is a Muslim, from a Muslim family, also in the service of Arabic and Islam sciences, has rebelled since his early youth on the dyed university education in Orientalist, and he vowed himself to Arabism and Islam, so they apparently - two parallel lines, they do not meet.
- I am a believer who is more faithful to the "integrated" culture that distinguished our civilization throughout its life, which I lived, thought or male, for its long centuries..
- yes، وكما قلت مرارا وتكرارا، لقد تتبعت التراث العربي بعقلي وقلبي وبصري وبصيرتي ولساني، وأعملت كل ما وهبني الله عز وجل من فطرة وسليقة في ذلك العمل البالغ المشقة والتعب، ولكني كنت أنشد رحلة متميزة في "الفحص الأمين" لكل الإرث الذي آل إليّ من آبائي وأجدادي، بغية الوصول إلى إبانة صادقة ودلالة ناطقة، لميراث هذه الأنفس والعقول والأفهام.
Between the curriculum and application
- I have worked hard and worked hard to convert this huge journey into a "curriculum", which I adhered to in my huge studies about "Al -Mutanabbi" while I was twenty -six years old, after the curriculum was leveled for me, and it was mature on low heat.
When I read the "healing message" by Imam Abd al -Qaher al -Jarjani, who died in 474 AH, and found me found in it what was strengthened by my method in "the word and systems", and this high -end peace be upon Abdul Qaher, who ascended to his degree, his Persian sheikh Sibawayh, who was previously discipled by his great sheikhAl -Khalil bin Ahmed Al -Farahidi, who died 175 AH.
- I wrote "Al -Mutanabbi" on a unique approach, showing all the identification of all the curricula that was known, and it brought it out in 1935, and it was not printed after that until 1987.This book caused a sensation, I used to see myself without it, but the most important thing that this book has established is the curriculum, before the curriculum, and beyond.
After him, Dr. Taha Hussein, in 1938, directed his book "With Al -Mutanabbi", and a fierce battle took place between him over 13 episodes published in the newspaper Al -Balagh at the time, because the relationship of Taha Hussein's book to my book was like the relationship of Taha Hussein's book "The Pre -Islamic Poetry" with the article "Marghaliot" in a fallScandalous.
- I am one of those who want to know, and who does not want to know, so there is no lineage between me and him, and I do not like to know him or know me an hour of night or day.
- I tried to be a honest, safe, useful and deep man, and to be again and conservative at the same time in all of what I wrote from "falsehoods and names", or explained and achieved from the "layers of the poets" by Ibn Salam Al -Jamhi, or in "the enjoyment of hearing" or in my comments on"The Ansati of Quraysh", or in my comment on the book of Abu Jaafar al -Tabari in his interpretation of the Qur’an in 16 huge volumes, and in all the words of my pen from words and articles or uttered by my tongue from sentences and phrases, even as it was presented from poems such as "the Virgin Sagittarius" or "Standing, winds..I believe in a firm belief that I perform "and in the chest a hidden from the grandfather Hamz," as Al -Shamakh, may God be pleased with him, said, and he cries his virgin bow!
Several studies have been issued on this office from Professor Adel Al -Ghadban, Dr. Zaki Naguib Mahmoud, Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Hadara, Dr. Muhammad Abu Musa, and others..
And the "Virgin Arch" is nothing but a unique one of the pioneers of Zafrat Sadiq, which was inspired by the poem of the great companion Al -Shammakh bin Dirar Al -Ghattani, who was famous for his ingenuity in the description, so he described a bow cut by the arcs "Amer Al -Khudari", so it was its arc, and the one who loved it all the love, then he was forced to sell it during the Hajj season, so I took it.Al -Laba and his air flaming, and he said in that scene 23 houses, I was inspired in a long poem, which amounted to 290 houses, which I started by saying:
Where was the conscience of the unseen from Gail
How did you see his eyes with blocking to her and fell it up
Until I concluded by saying:
He saw his palms zero and saw the money, fatigue
A glimpse, then the doubt was manifested, so she crying it
He inherited it with tears, and wiped out how he inherited it
He took over and proudly hides the fire
An antex
I remember that Dr. Ihsan Abbas said one day about this poem: "Its characteristics are nominated to be a teacher on the path of modern poetry, and if he interceded by Shaker with other counterparts, to establish a new poetic doctrine.".
- It was absurd and licensed to start for people with a systematic explanation, then I write what I write to say to people this is my methodology, and here I am applying it in what you read, but the opposite is the correct.This is something similar to the theory in the field of natural sciences, and it must be based on a rare capacity in science and a brilliant ingenuity in deduction..
- The corruption of literary and intellectual life is the one that forced me to explain the curriculum, and before the curriculum, later, and this means that I clarified the material, and the application is an inherent origin in every language, the tongue, the nation, the nation, and all the culture.And I did not show off the cultural life on my own. Rather, its general atmosphere was an atmosphere of all authentic or interested in our religion, our nation, our language and our heritage.
"The robbery consuls and discharge boys"
- yes، لنا صحبة عميقة وواسعة، بجيل كامل من الأساتذة والتلاميذ يضم فقهاء وأدباء وشعراء وساسة ومفكرين، يحسنون تذوق الكلام وهضم التراث، ويجيدون فهمه والإفادة منه، وحمايته من ألاعيب المتربصين والمخربين الصغار، من عبيد السطو الغربي الأثيم، وصبيان التفريغ والانبطاح والتبعية.
Perhaps the flags of Al -Nahda School and the children of renewal and originality are among the heads of integrated culture and living thought, they are from me and I am from them, whether we met with the company or not we met.
- It is like this, my teacher (Mustafa Sadiq), Al -Rafii, who remained in a strong relationship with him since I was my sentiment while I was in the first secondary year in 1921 until God died in 1937, Saeed Al -Afghani, Muhammad Lutfi Jumaa, Othman Asal, Sheikh Al -Baqouri, and Abdul Aziz Kamel,And the great Turkish poet Ibrahim Sabri, the son of Sheikh Al -Islam, the scholar Mustafa Sabri, who ruled the traitorous leader "Ataturk" upon him and his father to death, and the talented writer Yahya Hakki, and the political leader writer Fathi Radwan, Malik bin Nabi, Alal Al -Fassi and Muhammad Saeed Al -Arian, in addition to the huge poetMahmoud Hassan Ismail, who left poetry for him, believes that he will do this task is the best.
- Our house, praise be to God, was a circle of revolutionaries and reformers, and the leaders and scholars, and I think that there is no man from these people except for our house..But on a personal level, I am very proud of the family of Al -Khattabi and Al -Fassi Al -Fassi the Mujahideen in the Arab Maghreb, and the Sabri family is one of the Turkish leaders..
I also cherish a great pride in the Algerian brilliant thinker, Engineer Malik bin Nabi, the owner of the Renaissance and Urbanization Project, the man of the Qur’anic phenomenon, and the owner of the comprehensive reformist vision, and I was honored to provide him with his important book "In the Battle of the Battle", which was printed in Cairo in 1941, and he is one of the souls of what my brother wroteMalik from articles and research, because it reveals the thought of an expert man with things hour after hour, then he came out with an authentic vision in its depth, an advocacy in its vision, because it reveals to us the history of the evils committed by colonialism in our country, in the largest conspiracy against the Islamic world and its dependencies, and what we live inToday of calamities and setbacks, it is only from the daughters of colonial orient.
This expert thinker is the best man to reveal to us the "ability to colonialism" that made us live a life as if it stems from ourselves, but it is the life of the slave who are criticized as cattle, and they count that they are good..
And Malik bin Nabi, a man of the capital of his culture, is the "religion", which is the instinct of man, and as much as the strength of religion and the strength of his understanding, the features are clear in curbing the stomachs, and the response of delusion, adultery, passion and injustice.
It is the original principle in the culture of authentic nations, and our nation is distinguished among all nations with this original origin preserved over the 14 centuries of time, and it is the one who preserved its culture despite the calamities, boats and calamities that it went through, and the pests, illnesses and diseases that infiltrated them, as a result of the Crusades thatShe continued her ignorant ignorance for more than two and a half centuries.
- The secret of the power of Islamic civilization is the science of religion that connects the world with the hereafter, and the human being with time and place, and its industry makes it instill good and the growth of charity.
- Rafaa Al -Tahtawi - despite his genius - but he caused a rift in the nation’s culture, which divided it into two parts between “Al -Azhar” and “Al -Alsun”, and what Al -Tahtawi was involved in that bright chapter between religious and civil except with the incitement of Muhammad Ali, that ignorant who did not readHe did not write and never learned or polite, but he sought every trick to destroy Al -Azhar - the Center for Integrated Culture for an improved centuries - and dropped his prestige and isolated his elders from the nation’s audience, and from that day the integrated culture went to the winds of the wind.
- Muhammad Ali is an adventurer Ghaddar, and most of the sons of the Western thug in our contemporary culture from his attractions and the wonders of his children after him, and our contemporary nation as she suffers from the students of "Dunlop" in the intellectual invasion, suffers from the students of the teacher Yaqoub in the national and military invasion, and al -Bahtari said:
Among the wonders are open eyes..And their minds wander in dreams
The traitor's students, "Jacob" from the France Party, are no less cruel, dangerous, or betrayal of the students of Al -Munasir Al -Aati Danloub from the British Party, and all their students from clients, traitors, criminals and saboteurs must be chased and punished as thieves, surfing and bandits..