All you should know about preeclampsia

What many people do not know is that the pregnant woman is in a state of anxiety throughout the months of pregnancy, for fear of losing pregnancy or her fetus is exposed to hatred, but there are also some concerns related to her health, as pregnancy poisoning is one of the most prominent concerns of women during pregnancy, especially as it may affect the woman whoDo not complain of clear health troubles.

Pregnancy is one of the complications of pregnancy that is characterized by high blood pressure, which is a sign of another organ dam.The introductions of preeclampsia usually begin after 20 weeks of pregnancy in women whose blood pressure was normal.

And pregnancy poisoning, if you leave the pregnant woman without treatment, can lead to serious and fatal complications for her and the fetus, according to "Mayoclinic) (Mayoclinic).

The most effective solution in that case is urgent birth.Even after the child's birth, it may take some time until the mother's health condition improves.

But if the pregnant woman is diagnosed with an early -to -pregnancy poisoning - before the 20th week of pregnancy - which means that it is not possible to expedite the birth, the woman may face a danger to her life, especially since her abortion will become a medical necessity to avoid exposing her life and the lives of her child to serious complications.

But according to Mayolink, it rarely causes pregnancy poisoning after the birth of the child, a condition known as the next pregnancy poisoning of the condition.

Symptoms of pregnancy poisoning

The risk of pregnancy poisoning is the lack of clarity in its gradual symptoms, so the condition may develop without any symptoms, and blood pressure rises slowly, or suddenly.

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However, blood pressure should be monitored regularly during pregnancy, because the first sign of pregnancy poisoning is usually high blood pressure.

For this, the woman should pay attention in the case, exceeding the blood pressure measurement 140/90 mm of the mercurial pressure, provided that the measurement is done at least 4 hours..

The signs and other symptoms of pregnancy poisoning may include the following:

Previous symptoms may occur with preeclampsia, but they also occur in many normal pregnancy, so you should undergo a doctor's control.

Causes of pregnancy poisoning

Doctors believe that the primary and precise cause of pregnancy poisoning starts from the placenta, the organ that feeds the fetus throughout the pregnancy.

In normal cases - early in pregnancy - the new blood vessels are evolving to send blood efficiently to the placenta.

As for women with pregnancy poisoning presents, these blood vessels are evolving or working properly.It is narrower than natural blood vessels and interacts differently with hormonal signals, which limits the amount of blood through which they can flow.

The reasons for this abnormal development may include the following:

There are several factors that contribute to the development of pre -eclampsia, the most prominent of which are:

Is it possible to prevent pregnancy poisoning?

The researchers continue to study the methods of preventing preeclampsia, but so far, no clear strategies have appeared.Contrary to what some believe, eating less salt, restricting calories, eating garlic or fish oil does not reduce your risk.It has not been proven that increasing your intake of "C" vitamins (C) and "E" has a benefit.

While some studies have indicated that there is a link between vitamin D deficiency (D) and an increased risk of pregnancy poisoning introductions, but it is still under review.

The effective solution remains in avoiding the complications of pregnancy is the regular visit to the doctor, or heading to the emergency directly in the event of any sudden change in the health condition.