Diyali calls for the permissibility of sexual and homosexual relationship
Abdel Samad Al -Dalmi, a sociologist, called for “deleting Chapter 490 (from the Moroccan Criminal Law group), which criminalizes every sexual relationship (a misdemeanor) between a man and a single woman with confusion between the relationship based on mutual desire and love with the Baghi relationship, which is the chapter that is knownThe prohibition of unpopular adultery for fear of the risk of mixing genealogy and money and in order to preserve honor and offer..
Al -Dalmi, in a publication entitled “Recommendations for a Criminal Criminal Law”, explained that “the permissibility of sexual relations before marriage is an essential means of preventing unintended pregnancy, secret abortion and sexual violence in all its forms, and the deletion of Chapter 490 should be accompanied by comprehensive sexual education inPublic education in all its forms and levels..
And the researcher added: “Chapter 491 criminal must be deleted for marital infidelity (the teachers of the fortified adultery) and the transformation of marital infidelity into a civil issue that does not enter the state (through the Public Prosecution) in it,” calling at the same time to delete the classes related to criminalization of abortion in Morocco.
At this point, the sociologist stopped by saying: “As a result of his jurisprudence, the Moroccan (ordinary) citizen does not know that Shafi’i and Hanbalis allow abortion (projection) before the pregnancy reaches forty days (it is permitted unless it is created), and it is also not known that the Hanafis and the apparent permit it in the four months.The first of pregnancy, that is, before the soul is blown..
As for the consensus on the prohibition of projection, it relates to pregnancy starting from the fifth month (except if it is afraid of the life of a pregnant woman);Therefore, the Moroccan has the right as a citizen to know all the Sunni jurisprudence (and the Shiite), but he does not treat as a citizen, but as an object that should be converted into a fanatical owners of Maliki. ”He states the same source..
The researcher himself also called for “deleting Chapter 489, which criminalizes the homosexual sexual relationship, which is based on a discussion interpretation of Quranic verses and on a non -authentic hadith in the two Sahihs,” stressing that “it is time to stop considering the views of the phenomenon and rejecting sexual homosexuality is an innovation and misleading, and nowIt is time to give a legal fate to these opinions that acquire sex like me and that do not say or with it..
Accordingly, Al -Dalmi called for “the liberation of public opinion and the criminal law from the Maliki perspective on the subject of voluntary suspension of pregnancy, and compensation for the concepts of abortion and voluntary suspension of pregnancy in the concept of the necessary suspension for pregnancy for medical, curative or social reasons.”.
The same publication drew attention to the importance of reforming Chapter 160 for joining the family code, considering that "the attachment is an important gain because it is a legal document proving the approval of the paternity outside the marriage with an official martyr or in the uninterrupted script, but what is printed by the lackThe father, a recognition that the law does not compel him to make, turned the biological father into a legal, optional, sovereign act..
He continued: “There is no compulsive legal authority that forces the father to acknowledge his paternity and to bear all the legal consequences for that.Hence, work to enable the single mother the right to obtain a DNA test and to make the assignment a compulsory judicial order when the parents of the sexual partner are proven, which is a reform that takes into account the child's supreme interest, so not to link the child to his biological father violence against the child and violating his basic rights of lineage, alimony and heritage..
With regard to individual religious freedoms, Al -Dalmi stated that “the synthesis between the sects called a fabrication by the sectarian jurists, and today we must call it sectarian liberation and make it a new base for a new diligence in a new Islamic society,” highlighting that “religious freedom is the guarantor of its own guaranteeing a sincere faithAnd the real of the individual, which makes the state deal with the individual as an adult human bearing the responsibility of his life choices, on top of which is his religious choices..
The researcher recommended "acknowledging the freedom of belief and conscience in the constitution instead of contenting the acknowledgment of the freedom of worship;This is because the citizen’s interrogation because of his religious beliefs is an unacceptable thing, and the follow -up of the religious transformer in the name of Chapter 220 is not legally righteous because the transformer is not a missionary, but rather the criminalization of the same preaching should be completed, and the end of the consideration of atheism (and all forms of “apostasy”) is a disease or a crimeOr a national betrayal..
The document called for "deleting Chapter 222 and stopping the criminalization of public breakfast during the month of Ramadan, that is, the failure to consider fasting a general system in the month of Ramadan," explaining this that "the reading of the religious text, whether it is a Qur’an or a year, is not exclusive to the jurists alone, but rather a textReading and interpretation by other scholars such as sociologists, economics, history and language, we need a strategy for its readings in multiple aspects so that we can understand and apply it appropriately..