A new application that turns words into artistic paintings

San Francisco - (DPA) - The startup of the Canadian company launched a new application for smart devices.or.إس or أندرويد اسمه دريم، يستخدم الذكاء الاصطناعي لإنتاج أعمال فنية أصلية اعتمادا على orامر نصية من المستخدم.

تطبيق جديد يحول الكلمات إلى لوحات فنية

The company had aroused attention to it earlier when it launched an application that used artificial intelligence to control the synchronization between the movement of lips and sound in the video files.

وتعتبر عملية الرسم باستخدام هذا التطبيق في منتهى البساطة، حيث لا يحتاج الأمر من المستخدم لأكثر من وصف الشيء الذي يريد رسمه بكلمات بسيطة وقليلة مثل “شجرة مخيفة” or “أسوأ سندوتش في التاريخ”، ثم يختار أسلوب الرسم من قائمة اختيارات تضم “روحاني or باروك or الفن الخيالي”.He can choose "without style".

The Dream application converts the words into a work of art in less than 20 seconds just from the complete description of the image in the words.

According to the Tech Crawsh website, which specializes in technology topics, the user will not feel bored during these twenty seconds, during which the artistic painting is expected to appear on the device screen, where the application will display glimpses of artificial intelligence role at work.This application shows the tremendous revolution in the field of modeling, starting from setting signs of determining the beginning of the artwork to putting the fast additions on the plate, to the production of the final image.Of course, some artworks that are produced using the Dream application are amazing and some are not necessarily so.Of course, the user will not be able to use two texts to produce the same image.So he will have to request a new image of the same text again until it reaches the final form he wants.