8,700 Israeli administrative arrest against Palestinians since 2015

The Palestinian Prisoner Club said that Israel has issued about 8,700 administrative arrest warrants against Palestinian detainees since 2015.

The administrative arrest is a decision to imprison an Israeli military order, claiming that there is a security threat, without being charged, and renewed 6 months, which can be extended..

The report indicated that these orders included all groups of Palestinian society, including children, women and the elderly, and the Israeli courts contributed a central manner to the consolidation of this crime..

According to Al -Asir Club, the number of administrative detainees is currently approximately 500, including one prisoner, which is the sunrise.

He stated that the administrative detainees historically faced the policy of administrative detention with all available tools, the most prominent of which was the boycott of the courts and the hunger strike..

8700 أمر اعتقال إداري إسرائيلي بحق فلسطينيين منذ 2015

The report continued that the administrative prisoners have carried out from late 2011 until the end of 2021 more than 400 individual hunger strikes, in addition to the last group that the detainees fought in 2014, and lasted 62 days.

The Prisoner Club stated that the administrative detainees continue to boycott them to the occupation courts in various degrees for the 64th day in a row, within the framework of a struggle to confront the crime of administrative detention..

The largest number of administrative detainees in the Negev prison, southern Israel, is 228, followed by Ofer prison in the central West Bank, and they are 170, according to the report..

Al -Dameer Foundation for the Care of the Prisoner and Human Rights (NGOs) says that administrative detention is issued by Israeli military orders for a maximum of 6 months, and it can be renewed unlimited times, and the administrative detainee may be released, and immediately restores the arrest again, or provides an indictment and tries after his administrative detention..

According to the institution, the administrative detainee does not know the date of his release, and the order to renew his detention may be issued a few days before the time of his release, or on the same day in which he is released..

Israel has begun to use the prohibited administrative detention in international law, since its occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem in 1967.

Until the end of last January, the number of Palestinian prisoners in the occupation prisons reached nearly 4,500, according to institutions concerned with the affairs of the prisoners..