6 things you need to know
An explanatory fee for a demonstration of NASA's laser contacts, and he is communicating with the International Space Station through laser links. Credit: the Juddard Center for NASA space flight
Nasasas uses the illustration of laser communications deportation (LCRD) laser communications systems to transfer data from space to Earth. Below is six things that you need to know about the NASA revolutionary LCRD mission.
1. Laser communications will change how NASA gets information to and from space.
Since the dawn of space exploration, NASA has used wireless frequency systems to communicate with astronauts and spacecraft. However, with space missions generating and collecting more data, the need for reinforced communication capabilities increases.Redness instead of radio waves, to encrypt and transfer information to and from the ground.
Each of the radio waves and infrared light waves with laser are forms of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths at different points of the spectrum. The missions cord with their scientific data on electromagnetic signals to send them back to the ground.
The infrared light used in laser connections is different from radio waves because it occurs at a much higher frequency, allowing engineers to fill more data in each transmission. More data results in more information and discoveries about space simultaneously.
Using the sub -red lasers, LCRD will send data to the ground from a simultaneous orbit with the Earth at a speed of 1.2 GB (GB). With this speed and distance, you can download a movie in less than a minute.
2. Laser contacts for the spacecraft will allow more data to be sent to the homeland in one link.
READشعاب مرجانية "ضخمة" أطول من مبنى إمباير ستيت الموجود في أسترالياIf you are alive in the late 1980s and early 1990s, you will remember the internet connection speeds - slow and painful. The addition of laser connections to spacecraft is similar to the use of human high -speed internet with technologies such as optical fiber networks: revolution.
Radio waves versus optical waves. Credit: NASA
Our home internet connections these days allow videos, shows and high -resolution content to reach our screens almost immediately. This is partially due to optical fiber connections that send the laser -filled laser light with data via plastic or glass cables, creating a faster user experience.
The same concept - except for fiber cables - is applied to space lasers, which allow spacecraft to send high -resolution images and videos via laser links.
With laser connections, the spacecraft can send more data once in one download process. NASA and the aviation industry benefit from these new developments and create more tasks that use the laser to complete the radio frequency satellites.
3. The load contains two optical units or telescopes, to receive and send laser signals.
LCRD is a stalled satellite with many very sensitive ingredients that provide increased contacts. LCRD removes the need for user missions to have a direct vision line for antennas on the ground. LCRD contains two optical stations - one receives data from a spacecraft to the user, while the other sends the otherData to ground stations on the ground.
LCRD load in the research room at the Goddard Space Flight Center. Credit: NASA / Dave Ryan
LCRD models translate digital data into laser signals, which are then sent through encrypted optical packages, invisible to the human eye, through the visual units for deportation. LCRD can send and receive data, and create a continuous path to flow task data to and from space., These capabilities make the first dual -trend to the end to LCRD NASA.
READالشيء الذي على وشك الانهيار على القمر قد لا يكون صاروخ SpaceX بعد كل شيءThese are only some ingredients that make up LCRD load, which combined a large level.
4. LCRD depends on two ground stations in California and Hawaii.
Once LCRD is received and coded, the load sends data to the ground stations on the ground, each of which is equipped with telescopes to receive light and modem devices to translate encrypted light again into digital data.
LCRD's Earth Stations known as OGS -1 and 2, located in Jabal Tabel in southern California, and on the Halicala volcano in Maui, Hawaii.
While laser contacts can provide increased data transmission rates, weather disorders - such as clouds and disorders - can overlap with laser signals while they are transmitted via the Earth's atmosphere.
OGS-1 and OSG-2 sites were chosen for clear weather conditions and remote and high sites. Most weather conditions in those areas are at the bottom of the mountain peak, leaving a relatively clear sky perfect for laser communications.
5. LCRD allows the government, academic circles and commercial partners to test laser capabilities of a simultaneous orbit with the Earth.
LCRD will prove the feasibility of laser communications systems from a simultaneous orbit with the ground - about 22,000 miles above the surface of the Earth.
Before supporting other missions, LCRD will spend two years in testing and experiments. During this time, OGS-1 and OGS-2 will work as “tasks”, where they send data from one of the stations to LCRD and then to the other.
LCRD transmits data from the space station to Earth. Credit: NASA / Dave Ryan
LCRD will test laser jobs with experiments from NASA, other government agencies, academic circles and commercial companies. Some of these experiments include a study of weather disturbances on laser signals and proven reliable deportation service operations.
READيقول طبيب الطوارئ في بريجهام أند وومن أنه يجب إيقاف تناول الطعام في الأماكن المغلقة في ماس.These tests will allow the space community to learn from LCRD and increase the improvement of technology for future implementation. NASA provides these opportunities to develop the knowledge group surrounding laser connections and enhance its operational use.
After its experimental phase, LCRD will support tasks in space, including the optical station that will be installed on the International Space Station. This station will gather data from scientific experiments on board and then send information to LCRD to be transferred to Earth.
6. LCRD is one of many exciting and upcoming laser tasks.
LCRD is the first laser laser connection system.
Laser contact missions for NASA. Credit: NASA / Dave Ryan
All of these tasks will help the air space community to unify laser contacts for implementation in future tasks. With laser lighting, NASA can collect more information from space than ever.
LCRD is the NASA on board the satellite program for the 6 Stations-6 Space Test Program.Cape Cape Capeeral for spacecraft in Florida. STP is run by driving the American space force space systems.
Godard LCRD leads, in partnership with NASA's jet laboratory in southern California and with Lincoln Laboratory. LCRD is funded through the NASA's explanatory missions program, which is part of the Space Technology Technology Directorate, the SCAN) at NASA headquarters.