3 ways to easily test your internet connection speed at home

The Wi-Fi network at home is becoming increasingly important now, due to many people heading to work from home and the need for students to continue to follow their lessons remotely due to the Corona virus, so making sure of the stability of the internet connection at home has become very necessary.

So the next time you notice a very slow internet speed, you can apply the following methods to test and improve the speed easily and quickly:

Or not; Take an Internet Speed ​​Test on a Computer or Phone:

The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has published a guide to home internet speeds based on the number of devices connected to the same network, finding that internet speeds ranging from 3Mbps to 8Mbps are good enough for a single device to perform tasks. Such as: browsing, video calling, HD video streaming and other daily activities.

While having a speed ranging from 12 to 25 Mbps is best for up to three devices used at the same time with medium to high usage depending on the activity, while having a connection speed of more than 25 Mbps is suitable for those who have more than four devices using Internet connection at the same time for above-average activities.

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Accordingly, measuring your internet speed is absolutely necessary to estimate which devices you can use at the same time, and there are plenty of services you can use for that, such as Speedtest.net or Fast.com.

And remember: It's a good idea to test multiple times to get a feel of your internet connection speed, as your connection speed will vary based on when you take the test and how many devices are connected and used, so we recommend running multiple speed tests over the course of a day or two, and tracking the results to gauge your actual connection speed.

Secondly; Perform an Internet speed test in the router itself:

Depending on the router you're using, it may be possible to run a speed test through its app, for example: Google's Nest Wi-Fi device has a built-in feature that enables you to run a speed test in the app or by asking Google Assistant how fast your internet connection.

In addition, the router's Internet connection speed test feature will give you more accurate data - at least in theory - because it is connected directly to the modem, noting that sometimes this data is based on the age of the device itself, but usually if you By purchasing the device within the past two years, the data you will receive will be accurate.

Third; Using the Wi-Fi Diagnostic App:

Specialized network diagnostics applications can monitor your Internet connection on a per-device or application basis. You can use an application such as Little Snitch for Mac users, or GlassWire for Windows PC users to view more details of which applications are consuming your home Internet package.

Fourthly; What to do if your internet connection speed is slower than what you pay for?

The first thing you should do is turn off your modem and router for at least 30 seconds, then turn them back on. Most of the time this method fixes any speed issues you might be experiencing.

You can also contact your service provider to make sure your modem supports the speed of your plan, or to see if there are plans or promotions worth upgrading, so you can get the speeds you need.